WhatsApp fights against misinformation in India with ads in local media – Apps – Technology


Lynchings were held in the country by fake messages circulating in the application


Whatsapp pledges to take immediate action to deal with misinformation in India.


July 10, 2018, 06:40 AM

WhatsApp, the instant messaging application of Facebook, published Tuesday a series of announcements in some key newspapers in India to deal with the spread of false information, at first to fight against a wave of fake messages that caused lynchings of the innocent.

At least a dozen collective attacks were triggered in India by fake messages circulating on WhatsApp. The country is the largest market for the application with more than 200 million users. The attacks generated a call from the Indian authorities in which they asked WhatsApp to act immediately.

The advertisements published in the media say: "Together we can fight against false information" . So, says one of the full-page messages found in some of the leading English-language newspapers in India. The piece is part of a series of messages that will also appear in regional newspapers

The text urges users to check the information before sharing it and warns them of spreading false news.

According to the application In a statement, the company will launch an education campaign in India on how to detect news and rumors.

"Our first step is to place advertisements in newspapers in English and Hindi and in other languages, we will rely on these efforts," he said in a statement.

WhatsApp has previously indicated that it was modifying the features

It is also testing the labeling of messages to show users that a message received is only a referral, instead of sending a message. a message created by the sender.

* With Reuters

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