WhatsApp turns to paper diary in India for good reason – ElSol.com.ar – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


The Facebook-owned email service published full-page ads in leading English and Hindi newspapers last Tuesday, giving readers 10 tips for detecting messages that might be fake.

The ads are part of a WhatsApp campaign in its biggest market after a series of lynchings that have been attributed to scams sent by the platform.

A spokesman said the company would translate ads to be published in local newspapers in nine states of India, many of which speak different languages.

WhatsApp's advice includes consulting other sources, looking for photos on the Internet that can be edited and think twice before sending a message you have doubts

"The false news often becomes viral " says one of these publications on paper. "Just because a message is shared many times does not mean it's true."

WhatsApp, which account more than 200 million users in India ] also launches several new features to stop the spread of false rumors.

One of these features – a service that WhatsApp has tested in India to tag messages – was launched around the world on Tuesday. a message was sent instead of being written by the sender, this function appeared up to now only in the case of multimedia files (photos and videos).

Other major technology companies around the world are also trying to combat misinformation, including Facebook .

YouTube the popular video platform of Google announced Monday its plans to publish videos of "authorized" sources, particularly with respect to news content.

Twitter is also acting, with a report last week saying that suspended 70 million accounts in May

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