When are you tending for a bot strategy and not for what you offer to the consumer?


In the afternoon of this Wednesday, the hashtag #SkyElChingon has become a trend in the Mexican market. At the time of writing this note, the particular etiquette was placed in the top five topics of the Twitter community's conversation, a fact that by definition could represent great opportunities for the brand.

It is enough to recognize that, according to the measures of Tweetreach, the last 100 tweets which include said label, generated at this moment 318 thousand 083 impressions with a total of 269 thousand 895 reports.

of the term as a trend is not yet clear. The amount of messages that have been published on this subject as well as its diversity make it difficult to understand the origin of the trend. However, an image that has become recurrent in this respect relates to the transmission of the games of the royal group, Tigres, which indicates that the key system in question would have three exclusive matches of this set.

Although this information is not officially confirmed, it is important to mention that the supposed offer of three exclusive matches comes after the late announcement last week that "we are not going to be able to do that. Izzi will have exclusivity at the national level to convey the Beyond Competition and the repercussions that this exclusive movement can have between the two players, which is striking, it's that at the The shadow of this blow for Sky, the trend in question seems to have been built by bots.

This is demonstrated by the behavior of the conversation, where a very specific group of accounts gives a hashta impulse. g with unrelated messages and random mentions to this is added that the accounts mentioned above, despite having a large base of followers seem to have been created solely for the purpose of developing this hashtag.

The risk of bots

Although it is risky to badume that it is a strategy developed by the brand, it is clear that the use of bots affects any brand, especially in an environment and at a time when the public is demanding transparent media and brands. The reputation is what is at stake.

In addition to being considered an unethical practice, it is also known that the use of bots to generate traffic is a practice that represents more problems than benefits for the organizations that decide.

In the meantime, as readers and users of social networks, the work that remains to be done is to be able to identify these malicious systems, which is why we share three tricks to detect them:

Times of publication ]

It is not enough that the profile includes a picture or a brief description of the user. Review your historical activity is essential to determine if we are facing a bot or a real user.

According to various studies, a person active in social networks publishes an average of 3 times per day in each social network own content, where the diversity of themes is a constant. Otherwise, the bots replicate the posts throughout the day.

The use of account monitoring tools such as Social Blade (which allows to know the data behind any account on social networks such as YouTube, Twitter or Instagram)

More From sources and verified

As a user, it is vital to take responsibility for checking this information that is shared on social networks. In this sense, social networks should not be understood only as a means of reinforcing ideas or criteria of their own; If you continue on this path, there will be no room for plurality and information with arguments, a fact that, by definition, will bring more opportunities to be part of cheating. a bot.


Social interactions such as Facebook and Twitter have a feature that allows you to mark content considered to be malicious, harmful or outside the rules set by the social platform. These options should be used with responsibility and criteria, otherwise they will only serve to increase the power that a bot can have.


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