Who are the invaders of the championship in the final of the World Cup in Russia?


Four women entered the field playing the match between France and Croatia. The Russian punk collective Pussy Riot, close to the feminist movement, claims responsibility for the act of protest against the government of Vladimir Putin.

At the beginning of the second half of the final match of the 2018 World Cup, a group of four women entered the field while the Croats pbaded the ball from one side to the other. The television cameras that transmitted the meeting could not prevent the publication of images, as is usually done in one of these situations. ( See here the 2018 Russian World Cup )

The police pursued the girls to capture them and hold them under the eyes of the world. At the same time, the collective Pussy Riot in an internet publication became responsible for the act. It was a protest against the government of President Vladimir Putin, taking advantage of the moment the leader exposed his country's organization to the world. But it was also a way of saying that the organization was still alive. Read the review of the match: France was crowned World Cup champion

Pussy Riot is a Russian punk collective close to the feminist movement. He was born in 2011 and since then he has attracted the sympathy of women in Russia and around the world. On several occasions, members of Pussy Riot protested against Putin's government. In 2012, after a demonstration in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior against the new candidacy of the Russian leader to the presidency in which several people sang a punk prayer against Putin. Several women in the group were arrested and prosecuted, which gave the group more notoriety. You may be interested in: Pussy Riot, Artistic Guerrilla

The panorama in Russia, despite the fact that the country hosted the World Cup, remains tense. Protests against the government of President Putin have not stopped. The big sporting event served as a platform to show the other face of Russia, warmer and more open to the world. But it was also an opportunity for opposition groups to show the true conditions of the government. During the tournament, women's rights activists and LGBTI people published their stories of repressed government repression.

This Sunday, at the World Cup finals that saw more than three billion spectators, was another opportunity. The four people invaded the field in the 53rd minute of the match. They wore uniforms, mostly police officers, but they never attempted to attack or squeeze the players on the ground

. ALL THIS pic.twitter.com/tOtCx39owk

– Men in Blazers (@MenInBlazers) July 15, 2018

They represented, according to the collective "celestial policemen who watch the fans of the Coupe du World (…) and respect for the rules of the game ", unlike the Russian" ground police "who" disperse the demonstrations "and" wounds the world ". The opposing gang explains that it aims to draw attention to the problem of political prisoners in Russia, claiming mainly the release of Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov, 42, sentenced by Russian justice for "terrorism" and " weapons traffic ".

So Prepared Protesters:

So much for the tolerant atmosphere of the World Cup after the video of the police interrogation of @gruppa_voina after the final protest of @badrrriot a cop says: "You shit all over Russia, yes ?! It's a pity that it's no longer 1937!" pic.twitter.com/YhhKiuZLkk

– max seddon (@maxseddon) July 15, 2018

"The heavenly police, according to Prigov, speak to God himself The land police is preparing to disperse the demonstrations.The heavenly police gently touches a flower on the ground and enjoys the victories of the Russian football team, while the land police is indifferent to the hunger strike of Oleg Sentsov [el cineasta ucranio, activo opositor de las fuerzas prorrusas, que cumple 20 años de condena en el círculo polar ártico ruso por un delito de terrorismo tras haber sido detenido en Crimea en 2014] The heavenly police stands up as an example of the nation, the ground police wounded everyone, "says the collective [196] 59003]

"The World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly police in the great Russia of the future, but the land police, entering the game without rules, breaks our world," laments Pussy Riot "When the land police enter the game, we demand: the release of all political prisoners, which is not imprisoned by tastes, the end of illegal arrests in the demonstrations, allowing political competition in the country, do not make criminal charges, do not keep people in jail for no reason, and the land police become the heavenly police, "says Pussy Riot's statement. See also: 'A Punk Prayer': Life and Work of Pussy Riot

Moscow Police, quoted by the Russian official agency Tbad announced arrested "three young women and a boy", who had invaded the Luzhniki stadium lawn and "transferred them to a police station". After the arrest, it is expected to know the sanction that the protesters will have and the next move of the organization.

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