Who will stay with the presidencies of the Senate and the House?


July 16, 2018 – 23:45



Editorial of El País

Three days after the installation of the new Congress of the Republic, act which will take place on July 20, it It is specified that the Presidencies of the Senate and the House will be respectively for the parties of the Democratic Center (CD) and Liberal, which were the most voted in these societies.

After the former President and Senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez – head of the CD – made public yesterday that he would not agree to be president of the Senate, a request that had been made to him made by various sectors of his party and even President-elect Iván Duque, In the dispute, which could be defined Tuesday, according to people close to the CD, although others say it would be Thursday, there are four Senators

. María del Rosario Guerra, who is not very close to the area of ​​President Duque, although she was in the race for the presidential candidacy and was considered the replacement of Óscar Iván Zuluaga. But it is clear that the political relationship between Duque and Zuluaga was not the best. In the election competition, Zuluaga announced his support for Duque, but did not accompany him publicly.

The second candidate is Senator Cauca Paloma Valencia, who until the end of last June has taken a lot of strength to be the Senate Speaker. However, this aspiration has not been consolidated, all the more so than inside the Democratic Center is considered that Valencia would be a permanent target of criticism by the opposition.

A similar situation is the third candidate, Senator Huilense Ernesto Macías, who is one of Duquismo's so-called thoroughbred. On the one hand, because he does not have support from all his bench; and on the other hand, because during those four years, Senator Macias was one of the most confronted of his seat in the Democratic Pole and Greens sectors.

The fourth in the rattle is the Senator of Antioquia Paola Holguin, who, last March, has collected 58,000 votes, the second most voted party of this party. The member has in her favor that she is part of the so-called "pura sangre" of uribismo, she is a woman, fulfills the goal of President Duque to have many women in its government and another aspect: that she is not far from the elected president.

Senators Holguin and Guerra indicated that they will attend the caucus meeting today, at which we expect a consensus on who will preside the Senate and they noted that They accept the recommendation of the former Uribe chairman, head of the Senate

the other positions of the Senate's governing board have been known that the first vice-presidency will correspond to the conservative party, a party who has not yet defined who would be chosen.

The second vice presidency will be for the opposition, but it will take place today at a new meeting of political party delegates.

For the second year of the legislature, the presidency would be entrusted to the Conservative Party; in the third, it would be the Democratic Center, and in the fourth, the Radical Change.

In which there was consensus on the fact that Gregorio Eljach will remain Secretary General of the Senate, because he has obtained the support of most of the parties that will be part of the coalition, that this matter in this company constitutes the CD, conservatives, liberals, part of radical change and 8 senators from the U.

  Graphic Congress

That would be the house

As for the board of directors of the House of Representatives, delegates virtually defined that in the first year of the legislature, the presidency would be for the Liberal Party .

For this post, the one chosen by the Liberals would be the representative of Norte de Santander, Alejandro Carlos Chacón.

With regard to the vice-presidencies, some progress has been made in the sense that the Democratic Center, it belongs to the minorities, which in these four years will be the opposition.

For the second year (since July 2019), the Presidency will be taken by the Democratic Center with the representative of Bogotá, Edward Rodríguez.

The President of the Corporation for 2020 would be in the hands of the Conservative Party and in 2021 would be for the Democratic Center

The Opposition

A Minority Sector of the Congress of the Republic is Ready to Exercise Its Function criticize and apply the Statute of the Opposition, which has been in force since July 20.

In this bloc of parties, it is expected that there will be the Green Alliance, which would have 10 senators and 6 representatives; the Democratic Pole with 5 senators and 2 representatives; the so-called "list of decency", with 4 senators and 2 representatives; as well as the 10 members of the Farc Congress, five senators and five representatives in the House.

Similarly, two senators and one representative would arrive in the opposition by Aboriginal constituency.

This group will be joined by former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and his vice presidential candidate Ángela Robledo.

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