Why Iván Duque did not appoint his ICT minister? – Technology News – Technology


Monday, July 23, in a club in northern Bogotá, President-elect Iván Duque held his first council meeting with his cabinet behind closed doors. Almost all

Among the messages of austerity and government "facing the regions", many noticed that the council was followed by 15 ministers and not by 16. This happened because the moment of the The meeting arrived without the new government formalizing the appointment of an official of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC).

Of the 15 ministers whose names have already been announced, eight are men. To honor his promise to divide the ministries between men and women in two, the president-elect wants to put at the head of MinTIC a professional with experience in telecommunications and, as much as possible, one of the regions of the country. . The search began with this recipe

Very soon the name of Sandra Monroy emerged, a lawyer with experience in Telebucaramanga, Claro and the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC), which has been working in recent years in companies such as Azteca Comunicaciones and Century Link, a network and cloud services company that entered Colombia last year, after acquiring level 3, which was already operating in the country.

Some media already took it for granted, but according to the versions of the specialists of the sector consulted by EL TIEMPO, it would be his step by Century Link which would have put the sticks at the wheel of the nomination, because it was necessary to badyze if the arrival of Monroy at the ministry would pose a conflict of interest or, worse, an incapacity.

Before the stalemate, the name of Olga Botero, founding partner of the C & S consultant, arose. She is an Antioquian woman with a background in computer science and finance who served as vice president of technology at Bancolombia. Again, the media went from the front to the "confirm", but on Monday, when the time came for the council of ministers, the time has changed again.

On Monday evening, there was a whole set of names in the rattle, including those of Silvia Constain, Martha Pinto De Hart, Isabel Cristina de Ávila and María Carolina Hoyos. The latter is recognized by the sector as an ideal professional for the position (in fact he was deputy minister of ICT), but some feel that it is out of consideration for being part of the administration of the Juan Manuel Santos. The latest addition to the list is the name of Galé Mallol, president of Asotic, an badociation that brings together television operators of small and medium size.

It is badumed that on Tuesday the 24th, the designation of the person will be made official ordered, but this is not the first time that something is taken for granted in this process.


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