Why the Supreme Court ordered an investigation on Álvaro Uribe – Investigación – Justicia


The facts for which the Supreme Court ordered Álvaro Uribe to open an investigation are, according to this court, after February 16, when the Court filed a complaint against Uribe Senator Ivan Cepeda and copies against Uribe for the alleged purchase of false witnesses

"In reaction to this judicial decision and apparently with his consent, relatives of former President Uribe reportedly undertook to new acts of witness manipulation ", said the Supreme Court .

In the preliminary investigation, ordered on February 22 to corroborate these last facts, the Court found elements of judgment to begin this process to which members of Congress Uribe and Alvaro Hernán Prada must answer for the crimes above.

In the investigation into the complaint that the former president filed in 2012 against the Democratic Senator of the Iván Cepeda Pole, for an alleged cartel of false witnesses against him, there are hours of recordings legally ordered and in several of them President Uribe seems to speak. In the decision on this complaint, the court found that it was Uribe who was to be the subject of an investigation "for his alleged involvement in the manipulation of witnesses".

At that time, the Court ended up listening to the conversations in which Uribe appears not because he was intercepted, but because of the threats and pressures that the Monsalves received, who lived and managed the Guacharacas farm belonging to the family of ex-president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the Supreme Court of Justice decided to intercept the communications of members of this family group.

Court interceptions were essential, legal hearings began after receiving testimony from ex-paramilitaries Pablo Hernán Sierra and Juan Guillermo Monsalve Pineda, – witnesses that Cepeda brought before the high court – and who testified against former President Uribe.

Sierra Pablo Hernán said that in 2011, when he made statements to Iván Cepeda to the one who spoke about the alleged links of brothers Álvaro and Santiago Uribe Vélez with the Metropolitan Bloc of Self-Defense, in ntioquia, the Monsalve's family began to be threatened

Uribe, Villegas and key-witnesses' calls

The intercepted phones were not those of the former president, although he denounced in his Twitter account that he was targeted. "interceptions and supervision of justice". This message came out on December 23, 2015. A day earlier, Uribe Velez had held this conversation with farmer Juan Guillermo Villegas Uribe, a man of confidence and who was named as the founder of the Metro Block of Auc.

-Juan Guillermo Villegas: President

-Alvaro Uribe: Juan, how did you do it?

-J. G. V .: Well, Mr. President, what did you do?

-A .: How is your family? (….) I wanted to tell you this:

-J. G. V .: Sir.

-A. U .: Do you remember the day when you and I met in 70?

-J. G. V .: Yes sir.

-A. U .: There were calls, we took a juice there.

-J. G. V .: Yes, 70 years ago, in the fruit shop.

-A. U: The calls were intercepted by everyone and the Office of the Prosecutor followed the 70. I knew it for several days, but I did not specify it. They investigate with me and they intercept the phone. So this call is heard by these bastards

-J. G. V .: Ah, yes, these bastards intercept everything.

-A. U .: So yes, I said I'll call him to tell him. So, you know, in the morning, I'm going to make a scandal on Twitter with this without talking to you (…).

How Uribe discovered that the phones of his interlocutors were intercepted is one of the issues that the court ordered to investigate, because what she could indicate, it is that of the Office of the Prosecutor, especially the CTI (at the time headed by Julián Quintana), information that had a legal reserve were disclosed

] the Court disputed , in its decision of February this year, that key calls have never been recorded for alleged technical problems in the Esperanza platform, which prevented the basic details of the investigation from being known. For example, for no apparent reason, the system did not record the calls that the breeder Villegas Uribe made to Monsalve's father, just after completing a statement to the Supreme Court. The Court even says that Villegas "controls the movements of the Monsalve family" and that he "urges them to declare in the moment and the terms" that he defines.

Precisely the Supreme Court ordered to hear appeals made by Oscar Monsalve Correa, father of Juan Guillermo Monsalve, to establish who was really putting pressure on his family.

This is how he found that Oscar Monsalve refused to go to the court summons saying that he was in Supía, even though he was really in Bogotá. In these appeals, according to the court, it was determined that Oscar Monsalve "the stagecoach in the court had him nervous, uncomfortable and disgusted with Juan Guillermo, his son, because apparently there were people very interested in his statement. "

an appeal intercepted by the Court, was evidence that Oscar Monsalve could not confirm what his son Juan Guillermo Monsalve had said against Uribe Vélez "because he was in trouble" [19659027] As the day Oscar Monsalve was to declare before the Court, finally by videoconference, received more than 10 calls in a period of 20 minutes, the High Court sought to know who was the person who was looking for her with so much d & # 39; insistence.

After leaving the stagecoach, there was a 12-minute conversation with the person who called him but, says the court, "paradoxically (strangely) the system did not record that day. there the communications of telephone subscribers who received calls from this number. "

To find out who owned the phone, the court ruled that it belonged to Juan Guillermo Villegas Uribe – the friend of the former president Álvaro Uribe – who "so eagerly wanted to communicate with Oscar Monsalve Correa after completing his"

In the same investigation for the complaint filed in 2012 by Uribe, the investigators managed to intercept a call between Juan Guillermo Villegas Uribe and Óscar Monsalve Pineda, the son of Óscar Monsalve (who had declared to the Court) and the brother of Juan Guillermo (who had declared himself against the Uribe). In this call Juan Guillermo Villegas tells him that he will be called to testify before the court and that he must say the same thing as his father.

-Juan Guillermo Villegas Uribe: Marica and you, why do not you call me, man? Why did not you call me? (…) Come, some researchers will call him, but the thing is fine, you understand me, there is no problem, everything is organized.

-Oscar Hernán Monsalve: Again with that?

-JGV: What time, if you have never done it.

-OHM: I'm starting to insist right away.

-JGV: No, no, no. It's the same thing, the same thing we said, the same thing that was said. But then they will call him. So what you have to say is that you just declare and then … here in Medellin and with your lawyer, it's the same thing.

-OHM: But who, or what?

-JGV: No, nothing. The same thing, the same thing. The same thing we are talking about 3 or 4 years ago. The same thing to help me. Absolutely nothing else.


-JGV: It is better to let them know not to be afraid. Do not be afraid it's nothing, it's like your dad declares, it's the same as your father declares (…) dude, and if you do it? It's a lie, ma'am, they were not stolen. (…) Rest badured that this is not a problem, and here everything is prepared and we take care of everything.


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