Why WhatsApp Warns You Now When a Message Is Forwarded


WhatsApp says that with his new measure he hopes to limit the mbadive re-sending of messages

If from this Friday you forward a text, photo, video or audio from a WhatsApp contact to another person, your receiver will be shown next message next to the content and in cursive: "Transferred".

And if you're redirected something, you'll see the same opinion.

This is a new measure that has just implemented the world's most widely used messaging platform for the purpose of fighting spam and fake news, a problem that worries more and more.

In addition, it will prevent users from sending messages to more than 20 groups at the same time. The exception will be India – the largest business market – where the limit will be five, after this year there were several lynchings of people as a result of rumors disseminated by the company. 39; application.

With this system, WhatsApp aims to facilitate the identification of message strings and communication to the recipient if the information received is original.

"Private Messaging"

"A few years ago, we added a feature so that WhatsApp allows you to transfer a message to several chats at once," said the company on its blog

"Today, we have launched a test to limit "

" We believe that these changes, which we will continue to evaluate, will help maintain the original design of WhatsApp so that it remains a private messaging application, "explained With this new feature, users must have the latest version of the app for iOS devices (Apple) and Android.

This is one of the four new policies that WhatsApp wants to set up this year and is planning to create a new payment system, and offer the possibility to make group video calls, as well as stickers or stickers to decorate messages.


While it is true that you will see on the screen that the message has been transferred, you will not be able to see who created the original content.

In addition, the system does not notify you if your own message has been forwarded. in future updates, as the company commented that it will continue to "improve" the application.

But the new option only works if the user sends the message using the "Resend" function (which appears by clicking on the message). If the text is copied and pasted directly, the system will not be able to detect when it has been transferred.

Images can also be transferred using the "copy / paste" option, but not the audios. a simple, safe and reliable way to communicate with friends and family, "reads on his website.

" By adding new features, we took the precaution of trying to maintain this feeling of The intimacy that people say they have.

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