Wikipedia, closed this Wednesday and Thursday in protest against the reform of copyright


Redacción Technology with information from EFE

The portal expressed its rejection of the bill that the European Parliament will vote on Thursday

As a protest act to the draft reform of legislation on the right Author The European Parliament will vote this July 5th, the Wikipedia digital encyclopedia has decided not to be available for public consultation on Wednesday and Thursday until noon, voting time.

According to a statement published in the Spanish portal of this "encyclopedia" free ", the approval of the reform" would seriously undermine the open Internet that we know today ". rejection that also manifested "relevant people in the field of information technology", as creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, academics, human rights organizations, inter alia,

Add that the reform would "threaten freedom online and impose new filters, barriers and restrictions to web access." If the proposal was approved in its current version, actions such as sharing of information would be required. a news item on social networks or access via a search engine would become more complicated on the Internet; Wikipedia itself would be in danger. "

The text reminds that in others Hispanic country, c Like Colombia and Mexico, "the Wikipedia community has recently opposed similar proposals. "According to Agencia EFE, they clarified the rapporteurs of the new European directive, the changes would not affect websites like Wikipedia.

Article 13 of the bill was the only one most controversial, stating that Web pages could continue to host music videos, provided that when there is a guarantee that copyrighted works are not available when there is Specific license has not been accepted for publication, "EFE reported.

Among those who promoted the approval of the legislation are Paul McCartney, James Blunt and Plácido Domingo, on a list of over 1300 artists, the former Beatles member "believes that the changes proposed in the regulations will support and give an Ayor supported support for European artists and writers," reported Agencia EFE.

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