With the bill, they intend to eliminate negative reports in credit bureaus – Congress – Politics


Congressmen David Barguil and Luis F. Velasco have introduced a bill that amends the Habeas Data Act.

  Congress of the Republic

The law will be dealt with in Congress.


July 27, 2018, 6:09 AM p.m.

A clean slate and a new account in the credit bureaus is one of the main benefits that would bring the amendment to the Habeas Data Act proposed by Congressmen David Barguil and Luis Fernando Velasco in a bill this week.

The proposal aims to improve the conditions of access to credit for Colombians.

Seven benefits proposed by the project

  • For those who cancel their debts in the first six months after the publication of the law, there will be a clean slate and a new account.

  • the same default or maximum time for 2 years. Today, the report time is twice the default duration.

  • The credit rating of a person will be normalized as soon as the negative report is eliminated. Currently, the rating decreases even if the person pays.

  • The negative report will expire if, after 5 years of delay initiation, judicial recovery has not started. The delay to report a person after the entry in default will be up to 2 years.

  • The report will be eliminated for those who are victims of personal identity theft.

  • Citizens will have free access to their financial and credit information in any country.

  • It will be requested that the positive financial and commercial data of Colombians abroad be taken into account for credit life in Colombia.


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