World Dog Day: Do you know how to choose the concentrate of your pets?


On the occasion of World Dog Day and celebrated on July 21, a good gift is to give them a good concentrate, but most of the masters choose the cheapest or the first one that they find at the supermarket.

Pet Food Institute is committed to making possible the provision of safer food to four-legged friends and has therefore developed a list of data that will help you when buying this product.

Pet food manufacturers use a variety of agricultural products and animal products to develop a complete and balanced recipe for their pet, including ingredients produced during the processing of foods for humans.

Certain naturally occurring metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury (known as heavy metals), are found in organic form at extremely low levels per billion (ppb) in foods we consume. To give context, a ppb equals one inch in 16,000 miles.

In fact, the complete elimination of these metals from our food supply is not possible completely because these metals end up in the air, water and soil and are then absorbed by the plants when they grow.

"It is important to understand that the mere presence of a heavy metal does not indicate danger to the animal if a metal is toxic or is not determined by multiple factors in addition to its name or its elemental symbol.The important is always to evaluate the safe quantities of heavy metals in pet foods that are based on decades of research, "said Carlos Cifuentes, veterinarian at the Pet Food Institute.

In addition, another fact must be taken into account: pet food is strictly regulated with only the welfare of pets

Pet food manufacturers must follow the regulations.In addition, they follow the safety steps in the production process.

"It is very important that in case of observation from a strange reaction after having con summoned foods such as vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss or other, immediately consult the veterinarian to determine whether there is a consumption of toxic material or other illness " , advises Cifuentes.

While families choose the best food for their dog or cat, Pet Food Institute encourages shoppers to get all the information so that they can make an informed decision.

Beware of these tips that you should not lose sight of:

1. Foods purchased, but natural

Brands that advertise natural dog foods offer composite products characterized by their whole ingredients, without corn, have more animal protein and fewer vegetables and, in some cases, have no grain. If you are looking for your dog to eat a food that is totally designed for him, 100% natural foods are recommended. It will be noticed in your hair and will shine.

2. Canned Food

Food particularly appetizing, which comes in a box, it is not recommended to give it frequently, but to use it as a reward or reward . For the most demanding dogs, it can be mixed to vary the flavor to which the animals are accustomed.

All because these products have a high fat content and over time it affects the health of the dog.

Dogs do not have the ideal weight. There is also the possibility of combining the food with tin food in different inputs because they should not be mixed.

3. The age of the animal

The age of the dog is also an important factor when choosing the food. Adult dogs, for example, must maintain an ideal and healthy physical state, and they only succeed if they are fed with the necessary energy and nutrients. Some ingredients are essential for optimal nutrition such as taurine, chelated minerals and meat and calcium proteins.

It is very important, as we see, to read product labels and verify ingredients and components.

Puppies need balanced, high energy diets and a variety of nutrients. In markets, we find special foods for their first months, highly digestive, balanced and complete.

In addition, some brands even include in their food for puppies ingredients that protect and stimulate natural defenses.

they are born, or during their first months of life, they include natural fibers, immunoglobulins that strengthen the structure of the mucous membranes and increase the protection against infections.

4. Dietary Changes

It is always good to remember that dogs do not tolerate very sudden changes in their diet. As they grow and you have to vary the concentrate. It is best to make the change for at least ten days so as not to affect its bacterial flora. Hence the importance of choosing a good brand of food for your pet.

The health status of your pet will be very influenced by the food you take, never forget it.

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