You can now record Skype calls without external applications


Since the launch of Skype 15 years ago, users have used different maneuvers to record calls made by the platform. Different applications that run on Mac computers and Windows and Linux even have their own Skype support page. But these forms are still inaccessible to people who do not have the time or inclination to explore the configuration of a computer.

According to the platform Vergue, Microsoft will launch a multi-platform recording function for Skype with a system based. in the cloud that will record the video and the screen shared by everyone during the call. The announcement indicates that this will be possible by the end of July this year.

As the new feature will be supported in the cloud, this will allow access to Skype call records on all devices, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and even Linux. "The call recording is entirely cloud-based, and as soon as you start recording, all those who speak are warned that the call is being recorded," said L & # 39; Microsoft Skype team at The Vergue. "Call recordings combine all videos and shared screens during the call."

A new desktop application will also arrive, which will include an interface that more closely resembles Skype's mobile apps. This 8.0 release was released on Monday and will replace version 7.0 also known as Skype Clbadic.

Here are some of the new features of Skype version 8.0 according to the company blog:

1. Free HD video calls and split screen. You can meet 1 and up to 24 of your friends, family or colleagues, no matter what device they use Skype.

2. More productive messages. Express how you respond to messages in conversations. Use @mentions to easily attract the attention of someone in a group conversation. You simply write the @ symbol followed by your name to activate a notification. You can easily find all your @ mentions and return to the people in the notification center.

3. Chat media gallery. The online chat room will make it easier to search for shared files, links and photos in a conversation, whether it 's for a day or a month. You will not have to scroll through the chat history: just click Gallery under the chat name to see all the files, links, and photos in the conversation.

4. Share photos, videos, and other files. You can share up to 300 MB at a time in Skype by simply dragging and dropping files into the conversation window.

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