you can recover your data for free



Written by Rubén Velasco

Although, in recent years, we have been able to see many different ransomwares, some of them have penetrated very deeply the users, as WannaCry, who managed to paralyze half of the world using an outdated version of Windows, NotPetya, This had an effect similar to WannaCry months later and to GandCrab, a ransomware as a service that infected millions of users and which, moreover, did not allow to recover the files if the corresponding ransom Was not paid to pirates.

At the beginning of this month, we told you that the people in charge of GandCrab They announced the closure of their ransomware after obtaining more than 2000 million dollars of ransom paid by the users. These hackers asked their "clients" to stop distributing the ransomware and recommended users to recover the files as soon as possible, because by the end of the month, the servers would shut down and all the collected keys would be eliminated. which would prevent anyone from recovering your files later.

GandCrab ransomware message

GandCrab is one of the ransomware using more secure and well-programmed algorithms. It is therefore impossible to find a vulnerability that allows users to collect data for free. Fortunately, thanks to Bitdefender and Europol, this will be possible.

The new Bitdefender tool allows you to recover data diverted by any version of the GandCrab ransomware.

Bitdefender, as well as Europol, the FBI and other security agencies, managed to gain control of the GandCrab ransomware server before hackers closed it and managed to download private keys. victims, which will allow these recover data diverted by the ransomware totally free.

This new tool, which can be downloaded completely free from the following link, allows you to recover any file hacked by versions v1, v4, v5 and up to the latest v5.2. The tool connects to Bitdefender servers to access encryption keys. An internet connection is therefore necessary to use it.

Decrypt GandCrab Bitdefender files

Once executed, we will simply choose a folder encrypted by this ransomware (or an individual file) and start the scan. The application will scan the files and find the appropriate key that will allow us to recover the data.

Decrypt files GandCrab Bitdefender 2

In just two weeks, the hackers responsible for creating GandCrab They will close their servers and erase all traces of this ransomware on the network, so that customers who have subscribed their services will no longer be a danger to users, because the ransomware will no longer work because it will not be able to connect to the control server .

The end of GandCrab does not mean the end of the ransomware, but the end of one of the most dangerous

The ransomware was born as an improved version of the clbadic "police virus" that claimed to block the computer and demanded the payment of a "fine" in return for the smooth operation of everything, with the difference that the ransomware did not work. "It encrypts files", but the truth number, and with the safest algorithms to avoid data recovery.

Modern antivirus programs have security measures that can detect ransomware by means of signatures and behavior, although this type of malware has never been easier to detect, block, and eliminate in time. Therefore, in addition to using an antivirus, it is necessary to use common sense to prevent us from falling into the deceptions that hackers use to infect us.

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