He ensures that a contract of Fernando Carrillo as a private lawyer would put him out of action.
Senate Leads Debate on Political Control in the Odebrecht Affair
Juan Francisco Valbuena
Find the validation of El Cazamentiras at the end of the news.
November 27, 2018, 5:04 pm
About a single question was convened for the afternoon of a political control debate during which the government should clarify its position on the scope of the latest known revelations about the Odebrecht affair, in particular on the possible resignation of Néstor. Humberto Martinez at the highest position of Attorney General of the nation, after being mentioned in the scandal.
The session, quoted by Polo Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo and other opposition parties, aims to examine the extent of bribes paid by Brazilian society in Colombia. Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, Minister of the Interior, was summoned to explain the government's opinion on the possible resignation of Prosecutor Martínez.
The current Attorney General participated in several registrations in 2015 – when he was acting as Aval legal advisor – about the alleged irregularities that would be committed in the contracts of Ruta del Sol II.
See the full debate here.
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