Colorado goes from summer to winter in less than a day


Tuesday, the temperature in Colorado was close to the 80s and people thought that spring was finally here.

However, as expected, the snow began to accumulate less than 24 hours later.

More than a thousand flights were canceled due to the storm. Parts of Colorado have experienced winds of up to 100 mph. Nearly 40 million people in the region are exposed to high winds.

Colorado is not the only state affected by the storm. Cases of blizzard have been reported up to the Dakota and Minnesota. Displacement is difficult in the region, with near zero visibility and many road closures.

On Thursday, the heaviest snow fell in western Nebraska, most of South Dakota and Minnesota. The storm will begin entering Canada overnight and Friday, the National Weather Service announced.

"I really hope it's the last snowstorm we'll have to publish about this spring" the national meteorological service tweeted. "But … it's worth repeating, stay safe outside!"

Once spring finally returns to the area, snowmelt could severely affect already flooded rivers.


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