Colorado School District Undertakes Demolition of Columbine High School to End "Morbid Fascination"


Colorado school officials want to demolish Columbine High School and build a new school elsewhere to end the "morbid fascination" surrounding the 1999 shoot. The Denver Post, Jeffco Public School Superintendent Jason Glass sent a letter to families and Columbine staff, lamenting the fact that the school is a point of reference for school fencers decades after the rampage . The school district suggested building a new school just west of the current site and demolishing the old building in their proposal, which is still in an "exploratory" phase. To fund the project, the school said it would ask voters between $ 60 and $ 70 million. While Glass said the school is now one of the safest in the country with its advanced security system, some of its stakeholders have a "potential intent to hurt." Florida teenager Sol Pais traveled to Colorado before committing suicide with a self-inflicted bullet wound earlier this year.


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