Comey: Barr & # 39; s deserve the benefit of the doubt & # 39;


"Bill Barr, our Attorney General, deserves the benefit of the doubt," Comey told Christiane Amanpour of CNN.

"Give him a chance to show us what he thinks he's not able to show us." I must imagine that the former (FBI director, Robert) Mueller wrote the report with the the prospect that it will be public someday, so I can not imagine there is much left to do, but wait and see, the Attorney General deserves this chance. "

Comey's comments came as a result of the conclusion of the investigation conducted by a special council headed by Mueller, the predecessor of Comey.

According to a brief summary of Barr's report by Mueller, the investigation marked an important step forward for President Donald Trump to obstruct justice.
Comey has previously expressed confusion about Mueller 's decision, Barr says, not to conclude in one way or another on the issue of obstruction.

In his four-page summary, Barr stated that Mueller had left the case open and that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and himself had concluded that the evidence of the Mueller investigation "was Were not sufficient to establish that the President had committed an offense of obstruction of justice ".

Trump's decision to fire Comey precipitated Mueller's appointment almost two years ago, and the former director of the FBI said it was like Trump's attempts to influence a investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, among other things.

Trump, on the other hand, described Comey as a liar and was regularly criticized throughout the investigation.

Comey called for the full publication of Mueller's report, although the Trump administration has not yet provided Mueller's findings beyond Barr's letter.

Barr announced on Friday that he intended to publish this month a redacted version of Mueller's nearly 400-page report.


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