Comey: Biden should consider forgiving Trump


Former Director of the FBI James comeyJames Brien ComeyComey: ‘The greatest punishment’ for Trump after the Capitol riot is to ‘overtake’ his presidency Comey argues that Trump should not be sued after leaving the Oval Office Trump voters and progressives have a lot in common – and Biden can unite them MORE suggested President-elect Biden consider forgiving President TrumpDonald TrumpCotton: Senate lacks power to hold impeachment trial once Trump steps down Marjorie Taylor Greene says she will present articles of impeachment against Biden’s acting director ICE resigns weeks after entering in function if he faces criminal prosecution after leaving office.

“I don’t know, he should at least think about it,” Comey said in an interview with BBC Newsnight. “Donald Trump, he’s no genius, but he could understand that if he accepts a pardon it’s an omission of guilt,” the United States Supreme Court said, so I don’t know he would accept a grace. ”

Comey said a possible forgiveness from Biden would help “as the country heals and bring us to a place where we can focus on things that will matter over the next four years.”

“I think Joe bidenJoe BidenCotton: Senate lacks power to hold impeachment trial once Trump steps down Marjorie Taylor Greene says she will present articles of impeachment against Biden’s acting director ICE resigns weeks after entering in function will have to at least think about it, ”he added.

Legal experts have said it might be difficult to accuse Trump of a crime related to last week’s deadly riots on Capitol Hill by his supporters that led to the president’s second impeachment on Wednesday. But the president and his company could come under scrutiny for possible financial crimes in the Southern District of New York, they noted.

Earlier this week, Comey, who Trump fired, said it would be the “greatest punishment he can imagine” for politicians and the media to ignore Trump after he leaves.

Trump “belongs to jail,” Comey told the BBC, but believes that prosecuting a former president is not “in the best interests of the entire nation.”

“I think the wisest decision would be not to prosecute him,” he added. “But whatever you do, the next president, Joe Biden, should explain it to the American people. Be transparent about why you are doing what you are doing.”

Trump has repeatedly attacked Comey and other former intelligence and law enforcement agents during his four years in office, alleging they were part of a so-called deep state that sought to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign and ultimately triggered Robert muellerRobert (Bob) Mueller Why a special advocate is guaranteed if Biden chooses Yates, Cuomo or Jones as AG Barr enlists the attorney investigating the origins of the Russia investigation as CNN’s special advisor, Toobin warns McCabe is in a ‘perilous state’ with Trump emboldened MOREspecial advocate investigation.

Comey has criticized Trump in recent weeks for peddling unproven theories of voter fraud and lying that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him.

“You can’t yell at people to convince them that they have been cheated. One of the hardest things in the world is for a victim of fraud, of lies, to admit that she has been cheated “Comey said this week in an interview with NBC’s” Today “. “I have worked in criminal cases where victims of fraud come to support the fraudster after he has pleaded guilty. It’s not about yelling at them. It’s about persuading and pushing them. and let them out of this fog of lies. ”


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