Comment from SNL: Is it time to retire, Donald Trump from Alec Baldwin?


You would think that a reality TV president as ambitious as one who drives a controversy would be a bottomless gold mine for Saturday Night Live – so why do SNLDonald Trump's drawings are so tired and toothless?

The final of last night's season was marked by another cold match featuring Alec Baldwin's president, Trump, who sings this time "Do not Stop It Now" with his wife Melania, the vice -President Mike Pence and possibly Robert Mueller of Robert De Niro. Baldwin's appearances as Trump have been disappointing for a while – the actor himself seems bored with the role that earned him the title of Emmy – but that may have been a shocking low point. What exactly is the comic purpose of having President Trump and his acolytes sing a Queen song together? The live studio audience seemed stunned and laughed hard, and everything felt more compelling than inspired.

That's really the problem here: SNL feels compelled to tackle Trump, but he really has nothing fun or insight to say about him. Baldwin's parody of it has evolved into a predictable shitick, and writing never has the courage to really tackle the very serious problems facing his administration and our country. To be honest, the world is on fire right now – the Leslie Jones' Weekend Update against the abortion ban in Georgia and Alabama spoke of it with just fury – but with respect to Trump, SNL simply stands on the sidelines and offers jokes about his tweet habits. He is afraid of alienating anyone on both sides of the political spectrum and ends up not satisfying anyone.

I know that Baldwin's Trump, as well as Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton, have attracted a wave of attention and notations SNL during the 2016 campaign, and it is understandable that SNL would like to continue surfing this wave. But this wave is over. It might be time for SNL Let a cast member play Trump: Baldwin's limited availability makes it hard for news to air and maybe someone else could give the role a new twist. (And the sooner they will lose De Niro's impression of Mueller's wood, the better, who could imagine that one of our greatest living actors could be so stiff?)

But really, it all boils down to writing: Si Saturday Night Live"The best idea to parody Donald Trump is to show him singing and dancing in a totally useless sketch, so you better not have him in the show.

Do you still enjoy SNL"Take Trump, or are you ready to leave? Share your opinion in the comments.


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