Common myths about cannabis | Complex


As the United States continues to move closer to national legalization (medical marijuana use is currently allowed in 33 states and most Americans support legalization), the complicated plant is still stigmatized. Although more and more research shows that cannabis is relatively harmless compared to other drugs (it was ranked second to last in the 2018 Global Drug Survey, which classifies drugs according to the risk of harm), There is a common misconception about its use for recreational and medical purposes. At the root of the problem are half-truths and myths that the general public often perceives as facts. As cannabis became more and more the norm, we interviewed six experts to rectify the facts about the reality of marijuana.

Myth # 1. Cannabis is an introductory drug

The Gateway theory that using "soft" drugs such as cannabis and alcohol leads to experimentation with more dangerous drugs is one of the most common myths around cannabis. This claim has somehow survived beyond D.A.R.E. old program, despite the lack of solid evidence to support it.

"In simple terms, the fact that cannabis use is associated with the subsequent use of hard drugs does not mean that cannabis drives people to use hard drugs," says David L. Nathan, MD, psychiatrist and founder of Doctors. for Cannabis Regulations. "Strong winds can be seen when windmills are spinning faster, but that does not mean that windmills are windy."

Drug addiction is not introduced by "soft" drugs. Instead, it is more likely that some users are simply more likely to engage in addictive behaviors, regardless of which drug they first decide to consume.

"The more plausible theory of" shared responsibility "explains how many factors, including genetics, poverty, and the social environment are responsible for substance use disorders," says Nathan. "Any correlation between the abuse of different drugs is at best an indicator of the" common responsibility "that leads some people to abuse all drugs."

Myth # 2. Cannabis causes psychosis

Some researchers still believe that smokers may suffer from cannabis-induced psychosis and that cannabis use may even cause schizophrenia.

Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Albany University, SUNY and author of Understanding Marijuana, believes that the foundation of this theory is fundamentally flawed. Earleywine explains that it is likely that cannabis use does not cause schizophrenia, but that people with schizophrenia are simply more likely to smoke marijuana. "Some people may have to use cannabis to fight psychotic symptoms," says Earleywine.

It is also possible that researchers stigmatize cannabis users, which can lead to poor definition of their habits. "The way in which" psychosis "is measured has turned out to be problematically biased, giving cannabis users a pathological look, simply because they're part of a subculture. underground, "notes Earleywine.

Nevertheless, most experts agree that even though marijuana probably does not cause psychosis, it could trigger the disease in those who already have it. "Teens and people with first degree psychotic parents should definitely stay away from cannabis, but the idea that it is a single cause of schizophrenia is clearly not the case, "concludes Earleywine.

Myth No. 3. All the Indicas make you sleepy; All Sativas are energizing.

If you have ever used cannabis, it is likely that you know this basic rule about how different varieties produce very different effects. Mike Hawman, co-founder of the Chef For Higher cooking concept, says the difference between Indica and Sativa is not as clear as some people claim.

"The chemical compounds will vary even if it's the same strain, just like the grapes in a vineyard," says Salman. "It would be great if it were so clear and simple, but unfortunately, it's only marketing that started on the black market and is now embraced by almost everyone."

Salman thinks that one must consider more nuanced factors when examining the effects of Sativa and Indica dominant strains. On the one hand, the large variation between strains makes it almost impossible to determine the relative purity of one strain compared to another. "If you do not smoke a local strain [a cannabis strain that has never been cross-bred], I can guarantee you that it is not pure Indica or Sativa; it's a hybrid, "says Salman.

Since Indicas and Sativas rarely exist in pure form, it is best to consider each strain according to your personal reaction to it rather than a broad definition that may or may not be true. "The effects you feel are generated by the chemical compounds present in the plant as well as by your individual system and by your endocannabinoid system, as well as by factors such as mood, blood sugar, if you are hungry, if you are tired, etc., "remarks Salman. .

Myth # 4. Cannabis has no medical benefit

"The marijuana plant is one of the most studied biologically active substances in modern times," said Paul Armentano, deputy director of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). Although it is the subject of more than 29,000 scientific articles, according to Armentano, the well-documented benefits of cannabis continue to be refuted.

"The totality of the peer-reviewed research is well above that of most conventional pharmaceuticals, such as acetaminophen (22,459 total studies), ibuprofen (13,785 total studies) or addition ( 216 studies in total), "says Armentato.

In addition, many reputable sources have confirmed the relative safety of cannabis and recognized the growing list of medical uses of the plant, including the National Academy of Sciences. As Arementato says, "Cannabis has a long history of use by humans dating back thousands of years and many empirical evidence of safety and effectiveness of the plant. "

Myth # 5. CBD derived from cannabis works differently than CBD from hemp

The CBD, the non-psychoactive element of the cannabis plant, has a moment. Since the recent legalization of hemp, CBD, or cannabidiol, has appeared everywhere: vitamins, sweets, moisturizers, even in your morning coffee.

So what is the hype? CBD offers many medical benefits of cannabis – such as relief from pain, anxiety and inflammation – without adverse effects. As with THC, users and researchers are committed to maximizing the potential benefits. In CBD, the debate often focuses on the comparison of CBD products derived from hemp with those derived from cannabis.

"There are no molecular, pharmacological or chemical differences between the CBD found between cannabis and hemp," says Jahan Marcu, Ph.D, co-founder of the International Center for Cannabis and Mental Health Research. "These are the same species of plants, grown for different reasons, that produce the same ingredients. CBD hemp, CBD cannabis, these are the same. "

Rather than discussing the effectiveness of hemp compared to CBD extracts derived from cannabis, users should focus on how to take advantage of all the benefits of CBD. "Pure CBD has a lot of medical potential. The real question science must answer is: Do whole plant extracts rich in CBD work differently? Says Dr. Jeffrey Chen, founder and executive director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative.

Chen refers to "The Entourage Effect": the belief that the combination of active compounds in cannabis has a greater impact than just CBD. "It's a theory based on preliminary evidence, but science is still in its infancy," said Chen. "The vast majority of what we know about CBD comes from pure CBD research, and very little research has been done on whole plant extracts rich in CBD."

To make the most of the CBD, users must look for the ideal synergistic benefits for their condition. In other words, you must experiment with CBD containing different cannabinoids and essential oils and weigh the pros and cons for yourself.


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