Competition between human women likely contributed to covert ovulation


Competition for mates between prehistoric human women may have contributed to “ hidden ovulation ” – a lack of noticeable physical cues that a woman is fertile, experts say.

Using computer models, US researchers have found evidence that hidden ovulation in humans – which is unusual in the animal kingdom – has evolved to allow women to hide their fertility status from other females.

This would have helped to avoid female conflicts, possibly motivated by an assault on potential rivals for male partners.

Previously, scientists believed that women had evolved to hide ovulation from men in order to encourage them to care for children.

New research shows that the origin of concealed ovulation may have been focused much more on women than previously thought.

Human women evolved to cover up the physical signs of their ovulation - which means men are not wiser

Human women evolved to cover up the physical signs of their ovulation – which means men are not wiser

“The study of human evolution has tended to look at things from a male perspective,” said Athena Aktipis, lead author of the study, associate professor of psychology at Arizona State University in the United States. United.

“Even women’s-specific adaptations – like their social behavior and concealed ovulation – were considered in terms of how men shape them.

“Our calculation model shows that female sociality is not just about securing male investments.

Human females are considered to have concealed ovulation because there is no outward physiological sign, either for a woman herself or for others, that ovulation is occurring.

As a result, women rely on useful tools such as charts, test strips, apps or wearable technology to identify periods of fertility.

In contrast, some animals, such as baboons, undergo obvious physical changes during a period of ovulation – most notably, swelling of the perineal skin.

Gradually in the course of human evolution, female fertility is likely to become more and more difficult to detect from an observer’s point of view.

For nearly half a century, the evolution of hidden ovulation in human women has been explained by a theory called the male investment hypothesis.

Human women rely on tools like charts, test strip apps, smart monitors, and wearable technologies to identify fertile times

Human women rely on tools like charts, test strip apps, smart monitors, and wearable technologies to identify fertile times

Essentially, the theory suggests that hidden ovulation was helpful in obtaining male partners to help raise and support children.

This hypothesis has been the predominant explanation for hidden ovulation for decades, although it has undergone some empirical testing and has not been formally modeled until now.

But female primates don’t just interact with males – they interact with each other, sometimes cooperating and sometimes engaged in conflict.

“I’ve been pondering the male investment hypothesis for years, and since you can’t argue with a verbal hypothesis, I started working on how to test it,” Aktipis said.

At the same time, Aktipis was working on “female sociality” – a term to describe female individuals of an animal population who tend to associate in groups.

“ I was struck by the fact that women could have been aggressive against other women showing ovulatory signals which would then create an advantage in concealing ovulation. ”

Sexual swelling in a baboon.  Usually, the skin surrounding the perineum of a female baboon exhibits cyclical changes in size, color, and firmness during a menstrual cycle.

Sexual swelling in a baboon. Usually, the skin surrounding the perineum of a female baboon exhibits cyclical changes in size, color, and firmness during a menstrual cycle.

This theory, dubbed the “female rivalry hypothesis”, is now an alternative and convincing argument for the course of concealed ovulation.

The ovulatory signals are said to have made females more visible as potential rivals for a male partner.

Evolutionary adaptations in humans occur over the timescale of many generations, making it difficult to test whether or how traits may evolve.

Aktipis and his colleagues therefore tested the female rivalry hypothesis using computer modeling, which allows researchers to test ideas that would be difficult to test in the real world.

In agent-based computational models, an “agent” represents an individual whose behavior can be programmed and analyzed.

Each agent follows a specific set of rules and can interact with other agents and with the environment.

In the model developed to test the female rivalry hypothesis, male and female agents followed the rules governing their movement, reproductive behavior, and attractiveness.

Male agents varied in terms of promiscuity – promiscuous men did not partner with women to help raise subsequent children, while non-promiscuous male agents stayed to share resources and support future children.

Female agents had physical signals indicating when ovulation was being concealed.

Female agents could also behave aggressively towards each other.

The female and male agents interacted with each other and had the opportunity to procreate and form parental partnerships.

The model supported the female rivalry hypothesis by showing that women who concealed ovulation fare better, the team found.

They had more children, avoided female-to-female assault, and were successful in forming parental relationships with men.

“Social science work tends to assume that male cognition and behavior is the default,” said Jaimie Arona Krems, lead author of the study, assistant professor of psychology at Oklahoma State University.

“But women regularly face unique challenges, especially in their interactions with other women.

“This work is in part the result of taking this idea seriously.

“When we do this, I think we will learn more, not only about the female spirit, but also about the human spirit.

The research team also used the model to test the male investment hypothesis, running scenarios that did not allow women to behave aggressively towards each other.

But there was no clear benefit to concealing ovulation in this scenario, which again suggests that hidden ovulation evolved due to interactions with other women.

“This work represents a necessary shift in thinking about how human women have evolved,” Aktipis said.

“Female sociality and other adaptations are not just about securing male investment, although this has long been the underlying assumption about female social behavior.

The study was published in Nature Human Behavior.

How women can tell when other women are ovulating by using clues on their faces – and how they can then try to hide their partners from the ‘threat’ of these fertile women

Experiments in 2016 showed that women can also spot ovulating females just by looking at their faces.

And it is believed that this “skill” could help women maintain control over their partners.

Recent research has shown that men find images of ovulating women more attractive than the same people taken in the late, less fertile phase of their menstrual cycles.

In fact, females have been reported to dance, walk, ring, smell, and appear most attractive during their most fertile days.

The ability of men to recognize the signs of fertility is beneficial to them because it increases their chances of passing on their genes.

While some experts believe that there is no benefit for women to be able to detect each other’s ovulatory signals, others say it is useful when it comes to competing for men.

Researchers at the University of Bern, Switzerland, set up experiments to explore how fertile and infertile women interact.

They hypothesized that ovulating women may be seen to pose a threat to reproduction and keep men away from their partners.

In an online study, 160 women saw image pairs where one image was generated when one woman was most fertile and another was in the least fertile phase of the cycle.

Participants were asked to indicate which face they found most attractive.

Another experiment in a laboratory conducted the same test with 60 women.

In addition to choosing the most attractive face, these participants were asked which woman would be more likely to steal their own date.

Blood tests were done to record the hormone levels of the women.

Both experiments showed that unlike men, women found neither “fertile” nor “less fertile” faces more attractive than the other.

This came as a surprise to researchers who expected women to find the faces of their fertile peers more attractive.

But women “ cycling naturally ” with higher estradiol levels who weren’t taking the pill were more likely to choose the fertile face as one of the women who would attract her date.

‘These results imply a role for estradiol [a type of oestrogen produced in the ovaries] when evaluating other women competing for reproduction, ”states the study, published in the Royal Society’s Journal, Biology Letters.

This finding is consistent with studies that have found positive associations between estradiol levels and competitive behavior in women, such as a greater emotional response to sexual infidelity.

“Our data suggest that in women, estrogen is more related to intra-sexual competition than testosterone,” the scientists write.

“Ovulatory women (who are currently fertile) pose a greater threat to women with high estradiol levels (who are currently not fertile but have high fertility potential).


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