Conference Call Raises Confidence from Netflix – Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX)


Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) solves AH trading loss and is now 1.27% higher in the pre-marketing session at $ 364.25.

During the company's teleconference (transcription), Netflix executives assured investors that the new competition would not be as important because of the massive transition from linear entertainment to on-demand entertainment. In fact, Fortnite has emerged as a more serious concern for Reed Hastings and his gang at the call than for Apple or Disney.

On Wall Street, Goldman Sachs is one of the first companies to offer a positive rating in support of its "Buy" rating on NFLX. Goldman's team of analysts believe that the investment in content and marketing spend is paying off for the streamer. UBS also stays in the bull. "We consider NFLX to be a top choice because it takes advantage of the opportunity to be the global leader in multimedia streaming and the competitive gap around its business is widening (via a combination of content spending, marketing and scale), "reads in income note. Aside from a few targeted adjustments to price targets, all optimistic seller analysts maintain their equivalent purchase ratings this morning.

Previously: Netflix beats $ 0.19, beats turnover (April 16)

Previously: Netflix Bet on Second Quarter Subscriber Outlook (April 16)


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