Confirmed PS5 details: 8K, upward compatibility, SSD, ray tracing, etc.


You will always use discs to play games on Sony's next game console, which will only be landed at least by 2020. That's what Mark Cerny says at Sony, which is the only one that's going to be in the game. main system architect of the new generation console.

In an interview with Wired, Cerny confirmed that the console will not be launched later this year, but he refused to confirm if it would call the PlayStation 5.

Based on a bespoke version of the third generation AMD Ryzen chipset (8 cores with the company's new Zen 2 microarchitecture), the next console will be able to support ray tracing – a complex lighting technique that has up to Has now been the end of PC GPUs. The chipset will also be able to provide a new "standard of reference" in immersive 3D audio, especially for those who like to play with a supplied headset.

One of the other major upgrades here will be the integration of a custom solid-state hard drive, which would work differently than the way you can connect an SSD to your existing PS4.

Sony presented a demonstration of an early devkit to Wired during the interview. During a game of Spider-Man, a fast travel loading screen took 15 seconds on a PlayStation 4 Pro, but the same task took less than a second with the new generation devkit. It is estimated that it is 19 times faster than a standard SSD in terms of reading time.

Essentially, you should expect your games to load much faster on this new generation console. That said, the integration of this technology can be very expensive and there can be a price increase.

All the great details

Cerny confirmed that the console would still contain discs for playing games and that it would also be compatible with PS4 titles. However, it does not seem like it supports PS3, PS2 or PlayStation titles of origin.

This does not mean that the company will completely avoid the idea of ​​games on the cloud, or necessarily its vintage catalog. Cerny also said, "We are pioneers of cloud gaming, and our vision should become clear as we move toward launch."

Whether it's an extension of PS Now – the current Sony classic game streaming service – or a totally different system, this remains to be clarified.

Cerny confirmed that your existing PlayStation VR headset would work with the upcoming console, but we also expected the company to release a next-generation version of its virtual reality headset in the future.

The next console will also support 8K for the future on your new generation TV.

Cerny has not been shot at a release date for the console or at a price, except to deny the rumors of a release date for 2019. But we hope to learn more about these details when the company will officially unveil the complete console.

The Wired article says: "Sony has recently accelerated its deployment of devkits so that game creators have the necessary time to adapt to its capabilities."

This suggests that game developers already have the technology to play, which means that we can learn more about the new console as soon as possible.


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