Congress is "complicit" for failing to dismiss Trump


Elizabeth Warren has called on Congress to take action to dismiss President Trump or become an "accomplice" to his alleged crimes, as a result of reports pressuring Ukraine to conduct politically favorable investigations into its candidate for re-election for 2020. "After the Mueller report, Congress had the duty to begin the impeachment. By failing to act, Congress is complicit in Trump's latest attempt to solicit foreign interference to help him in the US elections. Do your constitutional duty and remove the president, "tweeted the Democratic presidential candidate on Friday. She added that Trump "continues to commit crimes" because he "knows that his Justice Department will not act and believes that Congress will not do it either". Calls for dismissal multiplied Friday after Trump repeatedly asked the Ukrainian president to pursue a corruption case. investigation involving the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, a claim that would also be at the center of an explosive complaint about Trump's denunciation.


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