Congress passes two-day fundraising bill to avoid government shutdown


On Friday, the Senate quickly followed the House in passing a standing resolution that would fund the federal government until December 21 and temporarily prevent a partial shutdown if the bill is signed by President Trump before midnight.

Why is this important: This 48-hour milestone would also give lawmakers the weekend to resolve outstanding issues with a $ 900 billion coronavirus relief program and a $ 1.4 trillion long-term spending deal.

The context: It’s the second continuing resolution Congress had to pass this month because lawmakers couldn’t compromise. The first was adopted last week.

  • But congressional leaders have set and missed Friday’s deadline to resolve their differences, even as lawmakers have said for days they are getting closer to a deal.

The big picture: Stimulus talks were hampered on Friday with a debate over the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending powers.

  • Some Republicans, including Sen. Patrick Toomey (PA), want to cut back on the Fed’s emergency loan programs as part of a stimulus deal, while Democrats fear the GOP is trying to reduce the authority of the Fed. the Fed before the Biden administration took over.

Lawmakers too disagree on the direct payments of $ 600 offered to Americans as part of the stimulus bill.

What to watch: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) Said the chamber would not hold votes on any legislation until Sunday afternoon.


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