The story of Alan Wake was an altered world event
The Federal Control Office specializes in the search, retention and concealment of the existence of Altered World Events, or AWE. These are essentially moments when other dimensions are insinuated into ours, with varying supernatural results. The document "Bright Falls AWE" found in Control indicates that the Bureau reacted to Alan Wake's events, but arrived after the events of the match. During Alan Wake, sheriff Sarah Breaker asked Wake's literary agent, Barry Wheeler, to make calls and give the coded phrase "Night Springs". Apparently, this was the way Sarah was telling relatives in the office about what was happening – especially her father, Frank, who is in control of being a retired CBF officer.
According to the FBC, Cauldron Lake, where the Dark Place is located in Alan Wake and the place where Alan's power comes from rewriting reality, is a threshold. These are locations where dimensions bleed together and we see some in Control.
The documents indicate that the BCF investigated Cauldron Lake more than once in the 1970s and that the years mentioned seem to align with other events. In Alan Wake, the poet Thomas Zane discovered the Dark Presence, the game's antagonist, in the 1970s, and wrote the story that would lay the foundation for Alan's arrival. in Bright Falls. More on Zane later.
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