Cori Bush says she’s moving offices away from Marjorie Taylor Greene after mask altercation


The fallout led President Nancy Pelosi to take the extraordinary decision to order the relocation of Bush’s office from Greene, following a request from Bush, the latest signs of growing tensions between the two sides in the wake of the murderous riot on Capitol Hill.

“An unmasked Marjorie Taylor Greene and her staff berated me in a hallway. She targeted me and others on social media. I’m moving my desk away from hers for the safety of my team.” Bush tweeted Friday.

Greene spokesman Nick Dyer responded to Bush’s accusation in a statement to CNN, saying, “Representative Bush is actually the instigator and it’s on tape. We will release the video shortly. ” Greene’s office tweeted a short video of the congresswoman talking into her phone and someone in the background yelling at her to put on a mask.

One specific issue is a Jan. 13 confrontation when Bush and his staff encountered Greene without a mask and talking on his phone in the tunnel between the Cannon Office Building and the Capitol, according to a description Bush provided to CNN.

Bush did not dispute the fact that she faced Greene, triggering the altercation. Bush repeatedly asked Greene to put on a mask, to which Greene and Greene’s staff criticized Bush on an unrelated issue. Bush also cited CNN KFile’s reporting of Greene’s social media posts that appeared to support violence against politicians as well as Taylor Greene’s “renewed and repeated antagonization of the black lives movement over the past month directed against Congresswoman Bush personally “as the reason for this decision.
In his tweet, Bush also joined a growing list of fellow Democrats calling on Greene to be kicked out of Congress after a fountain of highly inflammatory comments Greene previously made came to light.

The offices of the two delegates are currently located on the same floor of the Longworth office building, but not next door. where many deputies have their offices. The altercation did not occur in the hallway near the delegates’ desks.

Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota tweeted that Greene’s actions amount to a “red flag” and that Bush “moving his office does not mitigate the threat”.

“Imagine going to work with an unstable and hostile armed colleague and not having much recourse,” Omar tweeted.

Yet to kick a member of Congress requires two-thirds of the chamber to vote to fire that person. Republicans control just under half of the House seats, and the GOP leadership has so far shown no action to berate Greene for his comments or previous posts. A spokesperson for Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy said earlier this week that the California Republican found the comments “deeply disturbing” and planned to “have a conversation with the MP about them.”
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An aide to Pelosi told CNN, “This change of room assignment was by direct order of the President at the request of Bush.”

Membership offices are traditionally allocated through an indoor lottery system, which takes place in November of an election year, according to guidelines issued by the Committee on House Administration.

A House aide noted that the selection of the freshmen office is determined by lottery during the New Member Orientation Program, which took place in November.

Greene’s posts before he was sworn in to the new Congress earlier this month came under scrutiny this week, after a CNN report earlier this week that repeatedly showed Greene had indicated his support for the execution of prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019, a CNN KFile review of hundreds of posts and comments from Greene’s Facebook page shown. Also this week, several other comments and earlier actions of the past few years have resurfaced and been the subject of further consideration, including a confrontation with Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg and another in agreement with people who said the 2018 shooting was a “false flag” operation.
CNN reported Thursday that Greene deleted dozens of Facebook posts from 2018 and 2019.

CNN’s Ali Zaslav contributed to this report.


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