Coronavirus could have spread in the United States as early as mid-December 2019, study finds


As the U.S. Food and Pharmaceuticals Administration reviews data from Moderna and Pfizer vaccine candidates for emergency use authorization, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta describes the key things you should know about how the process works.

How does the vaccine approval process work?

So far, all data on the effectiveness of the vaccine has come from the companies that make it. Now, FDA scientists will be looking at this data to look at the finer points of the protections these vaccines provide.

“Are there certain groups of people who have done better or worse with this vaccine? Do we have any idea of ​​sustainability? We know it may prevent disease, but does it also prevent infection? Does it prevent transmission? These are all open ended questions and… that’s what they focus on, ”Gupta explains.

A vaccine can prevent me from getting sick, but can it also prevent me from being a carrier?

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine candidates have shown great efficacy in preventing people from contracting Covid-19. But data has yet to show whether vaccines prevent people from getting infected or spreading the disease. “So far, we can’t say for sure,” Gupta says.

If someone already had Covid-19, should they still get the vaccine?

Scientists say vaccinated immunity should last longer than naturally acquired immunity, Gupta reports. The immunity you get from contracting Covid-19 lasts for a while, but the nature of the vaccine should provide longer immunity. It is not known how long this could last. Pfizer and Moderna have two doses. One kicks in the immune system, then the second kick boosts it. This makes it a better option for gaining immunity, Gupta adds.

Could the new technology used to create these vaccines cause healthy cells to mutate or cause cancer later?

It does not enter the nucleus of the human cell where it would interfere with DNA, so there is no evidence that it would cause mutations and there is no evidence that it would actually cause infection, Gupta said.

“You don’t donate the virus, you donate the genetic sequence of part of the virus. So neither can someone be infected with this, ”he added. “They’re still going to need long-term studies, but at least two months of data seems to show it was safe.”

Can people decide which vaccine to take?

Initially, there won’t be a lot of choice. Pfizer’s vaccine requires a very specific cold room, so it may be the only one you can take if you live in a community where this storage facility is available. Moderna may be able to travel to smaller towns and smaller establishments like even retirement homes.

“It is expected that by January you will be able to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the AstraZeneca vaccine [Emergency Use Authorization,]Gupta said. If it becomes an annual shot, people may have the option of choosing.

Watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta answer your questions about the coronavirus vaccine:

You can read more answers to all of your coronavirus questions at If you have specific vaccine questions, submit them here and we’ll try to find answers.


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