Cory Booker says Elizabeth Warren's proposal sounds like "a thing to say about Donald Trump"


The presidential candidate, Cory Booker, has called the proposals of his colleague and opponent for 2020, Elizabeth Warren, to separate the giants of technology as "a thing to say of Donald Trump" and called for a "president who will apply antitrust laws ".

"I do not think that a president should run towards companies and tell them to" dissociate "them without any procedure," said Booker, D-N.J., In a statement. meeting Saturday on ABC News "This week".

Booker said that he thought that instead of asking companies like Facebook, Amazon and Google to be unbundled, there should be a process to deal with the consolidation of the company, calling it " massive problem in America ".

"It's about making sure we have a system that works," said Booker. "It's not me and my personal opinion about suing people, it's more like a Donald Trump trick:" I'm going to break you guys, I'm going to break up – no. "

When ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl asked him if he "had just compared Elizabeth Warren to Donald Trump," Booker replied, "I certainly have not done it," speaking of the senator "my friend".

"Let her discuss and debate her positions," said Booker.

In March, Warren, D-Mass., Pleaded for the bursting of advanced technology, a proposal primarily focused on promoting competitive markets, with such actions as "the cancellation of mergers Illegal and Anti-Competitive Technology ", including Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods and Zappos and Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram.

She said that "to restore the balance of power in our democracy, to promote competition and for the next generation of technological innovations to be as dynamic as the last, it is time to dismantle our largest companies. of technology. "

Last week, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes' New York Times also pleaded for the dismantling of the social media giant, whom he called "a powerful monopoly, eclipsing all rivals and erasing competition from social networks ".

"We are a nation with a tradition of controlling the monopolies, as well-meaning as the leaders of these companies may be," wrote Hughes. "Mark's power is unprecedented and anti-American."

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, left, laughs as Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, talks about his $ 100 million donation to help Newark public schools at a news conference in Newark. Robert Treat hotel in Newark, New Jersey, September 7, 25, 2010. There is also NJ Governor Chris Christie, not pictured. (AP Photo / Rich Schultz)

"Because Facebook dominates so much social networks, it does not face any obligation to report on the market," he said. "This means that whenever Facebook is wrong, we repeat an exhausting pattern: first of all a scandal, then a disappointment and, finally, a resignation."

Last year, Trump accused Google's search results of being "rigged"Against him and the conservative media. At a press conference organized by the Oval Office, he also told reporters that Google, Facebook and Twitter were "trampling over a very troubled territory," adding that they "would be better off paying attention."

Booker said that when he was elected, he "would have a justice department that uses antitrust legislation to conduct appropriate investigations and hold industries accountable for consolidating their business."

"I do not care if it's Facebook, the pharmaceutical sector, even the agricultural sector," he said. "We had a problem in America with the consolidation of the company that has very damaging effects."

"It drives out independent family farmers," said Booker. "It increases the cost of prescription drugs. And in the field of technology, one or two companies control a significant portion of online advertising. "

But Booker has clearly indicated his willingness to dissolve these companies: "We do not need a president who uses his personal convictions to tell you which companies to split. We need a president who will enforce the antitrust laws in this country, and I will be that person. "


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