Costume Designer ‘Loki’ on Tom Hiddleston’s Magic Pants


Tom Hiddleston as Loki wears his TVA costume and holds two daggers

When I wrote on Loki To costume designer Christine Wada’s explanation of why Loki stays in her TVA business casual outfit, some of our social media readers basically replied, “These pants are a perfect fit, which is why “or” Because he looks amazing “. While these observations are true, I thought interested parties would also like to know that Hiddleston’s dress pants had even more awesome powers than they seem.

This knowledge emerged after speaking with Wada about the enthusiastic response to actress Sophia Di Martino’s Tweet about her costume. A week before our conversation, Di Martino tweeted a photo of her from Loki shoot, showing how Wada specially designed her character Sylvie’s outfit to support Di Martino as a working mom.

Di Martino’s Tweet received 170,000 likes, thousands of replies and wide coverage, as fans praised Wada’s ‘awesome’ job and pleaded for more of this kind of thoughtful help to working mothers in Hollywood. and beyond.

“You want people to work well at what you provide them and you want them to be able to do their jobs,” Wada told me of the conversation around Di Martino’s costume. “It’s part of my job to help him do his job well. “

I followed up with a question along those lines. “Were there any other types of tricks or shortcuts that you may have incorporated into any of the other costumes that you can share with us?” “

What I didn’t expect to hear was a fabulous revelation on lead Loki The magic costume pants of actor Tom Hiddleston.

Wada went on to describe how she and her team made “the magic gusset” for Hiddleston’s pants. If you’re looking for the dictionary right now (like I did), a gusset is defined as “a piece of fabric sewn into a garment to reinforce or enlarge a part of it, such as the collar of a shirt or the crotch. of an underwear.

Why was such a remarkable gusset required for Hiddleston’s pants? It turns out, according to Wada, that they “are actually made from vintage 1950s costume fabric.” This harmonizes perfectly with the general retro-futuristic look of TVA, and you have to appreciate Wada’s dedication to detail. But the 1950s costume fabric wasn’t designed to accommodate a trickster god character who must prevail through intense fight scenes, drenched Roxxcart rains, and pieces of an exploding planet.

Sylvie and Loki in the

“There’s absolutely no stretch whatsoever,” Wada explained of the fabric, “which makes it even cooler and unexpected for him to do this whole fight.” Indeed! But how do you fix a problem like Tom Hiddleston’s 50s non-stretch pants? Wada had to improvise.

“We built those – we called them the magic bellows – into these pants so he could do some of the really hardcore action,” Wada said.

But sometimes even the magic bellows could not withstand the strain. And it looks like ripping pants is more of an MCU specialty. “Not that he hasn’t ripped part of his pants, or that everyone has ripped part of his pants.” I think it just comes with the Territory and Marvel.

There you go, my friends. Tom Hiddleston’s exquisitely fitted vintage cloth pants needed a magical boost to make it through to the end of Loki’s quest. It couldn’t have been easy for everyone involved, and the public remains grateful for Wada and Hiddleston’s efforts in this regard. Loki does not necessarily have to have to have the closest-fitting VAT trousers. But he certainly did.

We can’t wait to see what’s set for Loki to wear in Season 2, Magic Bellows and all.

(photos: Marvel Studios)

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