Counties to the fastest growth and contraction in America


The Census Bureau recently released its annual estimates of how the population of each of the 3,142 counties and county equivalents of the United States changed during the year between July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018.

The map above shows the percentage change in the population during that year in each county, with blue counties having a growing population and counties in red showing declines throughout the year.

Some of the big winners are the major metropolitan areas of the south and west. The county circles around Texas' major cities, namely Houston, Dallas and San Antonio, appear in dark blue and most Florida counties have seen strong growth throughout the year.

Read more: This map shows where the largest group of immigrants from each state, excluding Mexico, comes from.

Several counties in the Northeast and Midwest experienced more moderate growth or population decline during the year. Notably, the boroughs of New York City other than Staten Island have all experienced a modest decline in population. Several localities along the southern shores of the Mississippi have also experienced a significant decline in population.

Here are the ten counties with more than 10,000 inhabitants who experienced the highest percentage growth during the year:

Business Insider / Andy Kiersz, US Census Bureau data

And here are the ten counties of at least 10,000 inhabitants who have experienced the biggest declines of the year:

Business Insider / Andy Kiersz, US Census Bureau data


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