Country singer Ashley Monroe diagnosed with rare blood cancer


Country singer Ashley Monroe has been diagnosed with rare blood cancer.

Pistol member Annies, 34, announced in a touching Instagram post on Tuesday that she suffers from Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia and will start chemotherapy treatments on Wednesday.

“A few months ago my Dr. was doing routine lab work and I found out I was anemic,” she wrote. “I was like, OK, I’m just going to double the cheeseburger patties, take some extra vitamins and call it a day. Well my red blood cell count kept going down, and they found out that my iron / b12 / folic acid count was actually good. short story they did a bone marrow biopsy, (ouch), and VOILA .. a rare type of blood word called “Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia”. It makes my body quite severely anemic, and I can feel it.

The American Cancer Society defines Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM) as a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in which “cancer cells make large amounts of an abnormal protein.” Another name for WM is lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma.

Monroe wrote that while some may think chemotherapy is “such a negative thing” she decided to “reverse that feeling of unhappiness and think, wow, I’m thankful I have a disease I can VERY live with. “.

She went on to express her gratitude to her husband, former Chicago White Sox pitcher John Danks, and their 3-year-old son, Dalton, as well as her fellow Pistol Annies, Miranda Lambert and Angaleena Presley.

“I’m thankful that there is a treatment that actually works to fight what is causing damage to my body,” the Tennessee native wrote. “THANK YOU for the friends and family who have gathered around me to pray and send flowers and let me lean on them during this super strange chapter of my life.

“Thank you for my angel son. Who I fight for the most. I would greatly appreciate if no one would give me unsolicited medical advice or opinions. I have done my research and have amazing Drs Vanderbilt with whom I have weighed all the options. That’s why I was hesitant to post about it, but I could use prayers … and I believe in the power of prayer guys. I also believe in the power of love that heals us all on an even deeper level. I love you very much. I’m going 💪🏼🙏❤️. ”


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