Courage! Optimists live longer | Science


By David Shultz

Here's a good reason to reverse the situation: optimistic people live up to 15% longer than pessimists, according to a new study involving thousands of people and three decades.

Scientists combined data from two large long – term studies: one comprising 69,744 women and the other 1,429 men, all of whom completed a questionnaire that assessed their feelings about the condition. to come up. After controlling for health problems, behaviors such as diet and exercise, as well as other demographic information, scientists were able to show that the most optimistic women (25% of people most rich) lived on average 14.9% longer than their more pessimistic peers. The results are a little less dramatic for men: the most optimistic group live 10.9% longer than their peers, on average, reports the team today in the newspaper. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The most optimistic women were also 1.5 times more likely to reach the age of 85 than the least optimistic, while the most optimistic men were 1.7 times more likely reach that age.

Scientists suggest that an optimistic state of mind could promote healthy behaviors, such as exercise and healthy eating, and help individuals resist the temptation of unhealthy impulses, such as smoke and drink. Optimists can also better manage stress than pessimists, choosing to pursue long-term goals rather than immediate rewards in the face of a difficult situation.

Even if you are a negative Nellie, take heart: previous research has shown that pessimists can learn to become more optimistic with proper guidance. However, it is unclear whether such behavioral changes can impact lifespan. Would it perhaps help to believe that they will?


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