Court Declares Michigan Needs New Congressional Cards in Partisan Gerrymandering Case


A A group of three Michigan federal judges on Thursday ruled that the state legislature unfairly established state and congressional districts and needed to establish new boundaries.

The lawsuit was filed by the Women's Women's League of Michigan and alleged that Republicans of the state legislature had deliberately defined districts discriminating against Democratic candidates.

The three judges stated in their decision that 27 of the 34 disputed districts violated the plaintiffs' rights to the first and 14th amendments "by reducing the weight of their votes". to the association.

"This court joins the growing chorus of federal courts that have ruled in recent years that partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional," the judges wrote.

Legislators in the Republican-controlled state legislature must now establish new cards that will be amicable enough to be approved by Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. According to the court, Whitmer must approve the new cards before August 1, otherwise the court will draw the new cards himself.


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