COVID New York: Governor Cuomo announces delivery date of coronavirus vaccine to New York


NEW YORK (WABC) – Governor Andrew Cuomo has given a date when the first doses of the COVID vaccine will be delivered to New York.

On Wednesday, Cuomo said the state would receive Pfizer’s vaccine on Dec.15 if all safety and efficacy approvals were granted. The doses will suffice for 170,000 New Yorkers.

New York State expects additional doses of the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna vaccine by the end of the month.

“By the end of December, the administration suggests there will be enough to vaccinate 20 million people with two doses, or 40 million doses,” Cuomo said. “That means 6% of Americans. It gives you an idea of ​​where we’re going in January, and that 6% will be priority, healthcare workers, the elderly in collective facilities. 6% of Americans get vaccinated early January, you see how far we have to go. “

The governor said they were following CDC recommendations on prioritizing the initial distribution of the vaccine to healthcare workers, residents and nursing home staff.

An influential government advisory group voted on Tuesday 13-1 to recommend that priority be given to these groups in the early days of any upcoming vaccination program, when doses are expected to be severely limited. The two groups encompass about 24 million Americans out of a US population of about 330 million.

However, there are 85,000 nursing home residents and 130,000 nursing home staff in the state.

RELATED: Cuomo Unveils Vaccination Plan For New Yorkers, Including Prioritization Phases

Pfizer’s first installment may not cover them, but the state expects another shipment of Moderna vaccine later in the month that should make up the difference.

Cuomo warns that not everyone will take it.

“What’s the drop in nursing home workers who say I don’t take it,” he said. “I don’t know. I think it might be important. What’s the drop in nursing home residents who say I’m not taking it? You can’t force someone to take this vaccine. Right now. , I think you’re going to see a significant drop, if I take a guess. “

Cuomo said the state must undertake two operations of hospital management and vaccine administration.

“This will be the largest government operation undertaken since World War II,” he said.

Although there is a vaccine, he said there will be several challenges in the distribution process, including federal funding, the awareness effort, social acceptance and massive national and national engagement.

Cuomo says the state committee reviewing the vaccine was a reaction to concerns about politicization and skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine.

The governor said his goal is for New York to have the fastest and most efficient vaccination program in the United States.

RELATED: ‘New York will lead the way’: Cuomo vows to mobilize military to equitably vaccinate all New Yorkers

“I think this state has the capacity to do it,” Cuomo said. “I believe if you look at our device and our ability to mobilize and work quickly and effectively. I don’t think any state can beat us. I think that’s what we have proven during COVID. I think that’s what we’re proving every day, doing more. COVID testing more than anyone else. I’ll do whatever I need to get vaccines. I’ll get in a car and drive statewide doing it. “even vaccines. We have to build confidence in a vaccine. I’ll be the first person to stand up and get vaccinated. We have a quality team.”

Cuomo also said that to get back to a normal economy, 75% to 85% of Americans need to be vaccinated.

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