Craig Ferguson seen defending Britney Spears amid doc drama


Craig Ferguson hits back at the comics that strike.

A 2007 remodeled clip of former “The Late Late Show” host Britney Spears refusing to roast has gone viral on social media amid a new documentary chronicling the pop star’s tumultuous life. At the time, the beleaguered “Baby One More Time” singer infamously attacked the paparazzi with an umbrella while sporting a shaved head.

However, while many comics angered Britney, the 58-year-old Scottish comedian refused to do the same.

“Tonight – no Britney Spears jokes,” Ferguson said during the opening monologue. “This woman has two children, she is 25 years old, she is a baby herself. It’s a baby.

Craig Ferguson refused to hit Britney Spears while she was down.
Craig Ferguson refused to hit Britney Spears while she was down.

In the moving speech, he added that he had started to “feel uncomfortable making fun of” celebrities at their lowest and that the comedy should be “attacking powerful people, politicians and Trumps. and the blowhards ”.

“We should not attack the vulnerable,” lamented the comedian, who now hosts the new ABC game show “The Huslter”.

Ferguson said he himself had been guilty of punching celebrities when they were on the ground: “It’s totally a mea culpa, it’s just for me,” he said. “I think my goal has been shifted a bit recently and I want to change it a bit.”

His moving words are now praised over a decade later on social media.

“Craig went totally against the grain of the late night comics here,” tweeted a fan next to an excerpt from the monologue.

“Comedians need to remember that when you make fun of a young celebrity with drug addiction and / or emotional issues, no matter how rich and famous she is, you hit her,” the fan continued.

“Yet another reason I don’t see Craig Ferguson every day… He was very decent” posted another one.

The documentary, titled “Framing Britney Spears” chronicles the battle of Spears, 39, under guardianship with her father, Jamie Spears, as well as the singer’s portrayal in the media during her ups and downs in the spotlight of ” Toxic ”.

Spears herself, though rumored to be “fed up with the Guardianship,” apparently wouldn’t have seen the doc.

Ferguson was ahead of his time, like many celebrities to have watched the doc – and now let’s join the hashtag movement on social media to support the “Work B ** ch!” singer.

Celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Courtney Love and Andy Cohen have all tweeted #FreeBritney, #JusticeForBritney and #WeAreSorryBritney. Khloé Kardashian too tweeted his support, describing the situation as “so sad” while saying that she “prayed” for “Queen Britney”.

Actress and star of the Food Network Valerie Bertinelli said the doc a “punch”, noting “so many horrible men / leeches in her life” including her father and Justin Timberlake.

“Finally watched the ‘Framing of Britney Spears’ on Hulu. It’s an understatement to say it’s heartbreaking, ”talk show host Tamron Hall tweeted, also adding the hashtag #FreeBritney.

However, the idea of ​​“just knocking” has been a point of contention in comedy circles, with some comedians praising the practice and others viewing it as a sale.

“Comedy is subjective, and it’s offensive, it really is,” “Saturday Night Alive” alumnus Colin Quinn said in a 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “And people make these make-believe rules, like, ‘Comedy can hit, but it can’t hit. No, the comedy hits too, sometimes, sorry.


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