Craig Newmark and other donors on the markup controversy


  • Craigslist founder Craig Newmark and other donors said they took "very seriously" the dismissal of the editor of a new publication called "Markup".
  • Julia Angwin, the editor and co-founder of Markup, was fired on Monday for what she described as an editorial conflict over the stated mission of the publication to investigate technology companies.
  • Newmark has donated $ 20 million of the $ 22 million and more of the publication by the end of 2018.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

On Wednesday, major Markup sponsors have hinted that his support for the forthcoming technical publication was in question, following the controversial dismissal of editor Julia Angwin.

Craig Newmark, better known as the founder of Craigslist, donated $ 20 million to Markup at the end of last year to finance his mission to adopt a data-driven approach to cover businesses of technology. Newmark is the biggest contributor to tagging, but has also received $ 2 million from other donors.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Newmark and these other donors released via Twitter a joint statement in which they state that they "take action" to reassess their support for the publication. "I take this very seriously" Newmark said in a tweet, and promised that there is "more to come".

Angwin, a well-known investigative journalist, was dismissed from the markup on Monday for what she described as editorial differences between her and executive director Sue Gardner, another co-founder.

Five of Markup's seven drafting members resigned Tuesday in protest at Angwin's departure. The markup indicates that he plans to officially launch later this year.

The third editor, Jeff Larson, confirmed Angwin's dismissal Wednesday, although it is linked to delays in hiring, recruitment and a lack of editorial process before the scheduled launch between questions. of leadership. "


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