Craig Wright, Ph.D., Increases Legal Struggle Against Cryptographic Criticism


Dr. Craig S. Wright, a computer scientist, is stepping up his legal battle against a defamatory campaign led by conflicting cryptographic critics.

On March 29, Mr. Wright, the pseudonym manager of Satoshi Nakamoto and a part of the team that created Bitcoin, filed legal documents aimed at the @Hodlonaut Twitter account manager. Hodlonaut has been accused of conducting a "targeted campaign" to harass and defame Wright with "highly defamatory and abusive tweets".

On April 12, Wright's lawyers published similar legal documents to two people – Peter McCormack, host of the Bitcoin podcast, and Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin – and to the Chepicap cryptocurrency blog, the Accusing himself of also defamatory claims that Wright was a fraud. to be Satoshi.

McCormack has publicly (via Twitter) "demanded" to be the target of such a lawsuit, just hours before the arrival of his papers. McCormack later told his followers on Twitter that Wright's letter of counsel was "absurd", repeated his insult "Faketoshi" against Wright and invited Wright's attorneys to "pursue the legal proceedings". As for this last quote, it seems that McCormack's request will be granted on Monday.

Buterin has so far made little public mention of receiving his letter, while Chepicap has published some dismissive articles that mainly refer to other recipients. All those who received letters Friday have until April 23 to give an official answer. After which, Wright will decide whether to sue for defamation and harassment.

Wright's goal in targeting individuals and sites alleging fraud is to counter the continued dissemination of "evidence" that is supposed to demonstrate the falsity of his Satoshi mantle claim. This inaccurate or invalid evidence, often selected from Wright's or other documents, as well as other hearsay and other fabrications, appears to be part of a deliberate effort to discredit Wright and thereby reduce it. its influence on the Bitcoin sector.

It is time for the Bitcoin community to finally emerge from adolescence and begin to behave as a serious force in the world of finance. This will not happen if the community continues to resemble a hyperbolic Reddit thread in which death threats are traded, whether Han or Greedo are killed first.

In a more mature world, the sector would be more interested in technology, in particular the BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision) protocol, the only one capable of scaling up the chain to meet the demands of global financial platform. But until the magic day when technology prevails over the name call, we are there.

Where you should be if you want to have an open and honest discussion about the future of blockchain money and technology: The next CoinGeek conference will take place in Toronto on May 29th and 30th. The CoinGeek event is inclusive and welcomes anyone interested in learning more about Bitcoin SV and Satoshi Vision, even if you also support other cryptocurrency or blockchain projects. It remains to be seen whether any of Wright's opponents will appear, but if they show it, they will have to make better arguments than they have yet given the support needed to justify their respective coins.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (SegWit) string are referenced as BTC pieces. Tokens in the Bitcoin Cash ABC chain are referenced as BCH, BCH-ABC, or BAB coins.

Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) is today the only Bitcoin project that respects the original Satoshi Nakamoto white paper, as well as Satoshi's original protocol and design. BSV is the only public blockchain that retains the original vision of Bitcoin and will massively grow to become the new blockchain of the world in the fields of finance and enterprise.


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