Crenshaw: Bush’s criticism of Biden’s withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan “fair”


Representative Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, told America’s Newsroom on Thursday that former President George W. Bush was “right” when he recently called President Biden’s decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan a ‘” mistake “.


DAN CRENSHAW: “Of course he’s right. That’s exactly what’s going to happen. You are already seeing signs of a strengthening of the Taliban as our military operations have declined sharply in recent months, knowing that the withdrawal has been You are already seeing the Taliban gain strength. You are looking at a throwback to the late 90s, which by the way set the stage for 9/11.

Afghan girls won’t have to decide what they want to be educated in and what books to read or who they marry. People will be slaughtered. On the other hand, I recognize that the American people want us gone, the American people have been persuaded [by] what I think are fallacious and emotional arguments that basically boil down to slogans of “Bring the boys home” and “No more endless wars”. The same people have to remember that people like me and my friends were not sent there as victims, not at all. We knew we were an insurance policy to prevent people like Al Qaeda from having the time and space to plan another attack here. It’s messy and not ideal, but that’s what we did there.

I would also say that no one was hurt in vain. We did not make these sacrifices in vain. We have protected this country for 20 years. And I hope that will remain the case. Unfortunately, when I look at history and see what the rapid withdrawal in Iraq did, we were back there a few years later. It appears to be the same setup that is happening now. I think these concerns are extremely valid, and we need to be honest with the American people about the compromises. It’s not just rainbows and sunshine here.



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