Criminal Rents Car, Robs Bank, Then Comes Back To Buy BMW


A man admitted to theft from a federal bank after he rented a car from a car dealership, drove it to a bank, robbed that bank, and then returned with the money to attempt to buy a BMW.

Eric Dion Warren, 50, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after admitting his daring – if not so well thought out – crime.

The incident took place in 2019, when Warren drove the dealer’s loaner car to a bank near Lubbock, Texas.

When he got there, he placed a bag of fast food on the counter and passed the cashier a note that said, “It’s a fucking robbery. Play with me and die. I want $ 10,000 in 50’s bills and 100 dollars now you have 1 minute or i will kill you. “

He later produced what appeared to be a handgun, telling the bank staff member, “I don’t gamble, I only want hundreds and 50s.”

BMW logo stock image.  Credit: PA
BMW logo stock image. Credit: PA

According to prosecutors, the bank teller returned the cash to him in the bag, but he included a roll of $ 20 bills with registered serial numbers.

He then took his $ 5,086 back to the same car dealership where he was buying a black BMW car.

The prosecution team said, “Mr. Warren started to wave the money he illegally obtained from bank robbery to the employees of the car dealership.”

It’s not the smartest decision ever, is it?

Things started to take a turn for the worse for Warren when authorities contacted the car dealership a quarter of an hour later to tell them about the leaked car, which had plates registered with them.

The cops then went to the dealership and found Warren, with the money, as well as a pellet gun that had been modified to look like a real weapon.

Eric Dion Warren.  Credit: Lubbock County Detention Center
Eric Dion Warren. Credit: Lubbock County Detention Center

He pleaded guilty to the crime in August.

The official statement detailing the crime reads: “Mr. Warren was arrested with $ 5,086 in cash.

“The serial numbers of the money found on Mr. Warren’s person were crossed and matched the numbers of the notes stolen from the AIM bank.

“Law enforcement also recovered a painted pellet gun, resembling a real handgun, about 10 feet away from Mr. Warren at the time of his arrest.

“The formal notice given to the bank teller has been analyzed and confirmed the existence of Mr. Warren’s fingerprints and DNA.”

Overall, not the smartest idea this guy has ever had.


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