Criterion 4K Blu-rays will begin with Citizen Kane and Mulholland Dr.


The Criterion Collection is finally making the leap to Ultra HD. The Blu-ray store publisher announced on Wednesday that it will begin releasing 4K UHD Blu-rays, but only for select films in the collection.

Criterion begins its UHD film series with a line of killers which is titled by the legendary Orson Well Citizen Kane. This is the first time that Criterion has published a new edition of Citizen Kane since the film’s 50th anniversary in 1992, although this version was released on Laserdisc.

Criterion’s first 4K offerings will also be haunting and dreamy from David Lynch. Mulholland Dr., Powell and Pressburger’s The Red Shoes, The Beatles musical by Richard Lester A hard day’s Night, Jane Campion’s The piano, and Albert Hughes Menace II Society.

Each new UHD release will include the 4K version of the movie as well as a standard Blu-ray, which will contain both the movie and the special features. Some of those movies, according to Criterion, will even include support for Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos.

Criterion will announce which of these releases comes first and what new features they will have, along with some additional information on subsequent releases, as part of its November 2021 announcement next week.


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