Critic of the movie "Official Secrets"


Photo: Nick Wall / IFC Films

Damn, the British are doing discreet and paranoid procedural dramas like Official secrets Well, with omnipresent cold and no flash: the crisp cuts like a knife. In this one, set up in 2003 and 2004, white and pasty men discuss whether a whistleblower, Katharine Gun (Keira Knightley), is a hero or a traitor for disclosing a memo from the United States and leading the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). ) to unearth members of the UN Security Council. The directive itself is shady, but it is the monstrous final phase. The GW The Bush administration has the impression that no matter how falsified information about Saddam Hussein's ties to Al-Qaeda and his alleged biological / nuclear weapons of mass destruction, few are Tony Blair, the Bush watchdog, at sanction an invasion of Iraq. Other countries of the United Nations Security Council will need a wee push. As an intelligence analyst, Gun believes that the reason for being war is not just absurd but immoral, not to say illegal. When this note – written by an NSA figure named Frank Koza – appears on his computer screen, his jaw drops out.

Knightley has a strong jaw to give up. Relaxation means consternation, sometimes total despair. Set, it signals awareness. In Official secretsit is soft and put in series. Combine that with eyes that water more often than eyes and you get an indelible portrait of a tormented conscience. How can Gun do not share this note with millions of lives (British, American and Iraqi) at stake? Gun knows that if she discovers that she will be prosecuted under the UK's Official Secrets Act of 1989, and that the immigration status of her Muslim husband, Yasar, would be threatened. (Yasar is a Kurd, and the Kurds were the most notorious victims of Saddam, so she does not have the claim to pretend to the Baathist regime, she is anti-allegiance.) do not copy the memo, do not to pass it on to a former anti-war colleague who would have left him to an anti-war activist who would leave him to a journalist … She should just keep her head down and do her job.


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