Cross-Play, No Season Pass in Call of Duty: The Main Changes of Modern War


Call of Duty: The Modern War of 2019 brings important changes to the Call of Duty formula with the reimagination of the 2007 Infinity Ward classic. This week's revelation of the upcoming game revealed that Infinity Ward was aiming for "continuity and consistency" in all Modern Warfare game modes, which means that the weapons will have the same multiplayer feel that they have. solo, and that character progression will continue between these modes. Beyond that, there are exciting changes ahead that should be good news for all fans who are familiar with the game when it comes out on October 25 – especially those who do not want to pay for new ones. cards but want to play with them. on different platforms.

Infinity Ward and Activision shared the welcome news in a press release published alongside its first trailer for Modern Warfare, which you can see below. The cross-play will be available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, allowing players of any platform to play in a match against those of another system. It's still pretty rare, Sony allowing few games to be playable on PS4 and Xbox One.

The other surprising news is that Modern Warfare will not have the traditional "season pass" that players had to buy before to be able to receive new cards during the year after the game's release. Call of Duty. Instead, maps and events after the release of Modern Warfare will be free for all players, mimicking a change that many competing games have been made.

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Both of these features should greatly contribute to the cohesion of the Call of Duty player base, without limiting them to playing only with people on the same platform with the same cards. In general, there should be many more players against whom to play. It could also make the Call of Duty scene more welcoming, as players will be able to play on their favorite platforms.

One thing that does not change is that it will contain exclusive content programmed on PS4. We do not know all the details for now, but as in Black Ops 4 of last year, the window will only last seven days, which is much shorter than the CoD exclusivity at 30 days.

Infinity Ward introduced Modern Warfare to reporters during the week prior to the game's announcement, giving insight into the campaign for a player and the technology used. In addition to reinventing the story, Infinity Ward said that she was striving to make Modern Warfare more "relevant" to the current world, and had inspired the story of the game from real conflicts and documentaries about them, as well as recent Hollywood movies.


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