Crossword game on PS4 / Xbox One: The boss of Fortnite discusses "contentious discussions"


Sarah Needleman's new profile of Epic Games Founder and CEO Tim Sweeney in The Wall Street Journal covers a wide range of topics on the life and career of the Fortnite boss. Among these are how Epic convinced Sony to finally allow cross-play, how much the man is supposed to be worth, how much Fortnite earns through microtransactions, what kind of food he loves most, and so much more. The full report is worth reading, and we highlight some important points.

Beginning with cross play, the WSJ reports that Sweeney spent six months in 2018 calling and sending emails to PlayStation and Xbox executives to try to convince them to unlock the cross game. The conversations were intense, it seems.

"An international diplomacy effort," said Sweeney. "Given the long-term rivalries, it was a series of controversial discussions."

Microsoft and Nintendo have begun to allow cross play in Fortnite and other titles from June 2018, but Sony has held.

After supporting cross play between Xbox One and Nintendo Switch for Fortnite, WSJ reports that Sweeney shared data with Sony, demonstrating that cross-play was "significantly" increasing engagement. That could have been part of what allowed Sony to unlock the cross game.

In September 2018, Sony finally accepted the crossover game, starting with Fortnite. "This was one of the greatest moments in the history of Epic," said Sweeney. "I was happy and tired."

The piece also reveals that Fortnite generated $ 3.9 billion in revenue from microtransactions, according to research firm SuperData. Sweeney itself is worth $ 7 billion, according to the Bloomberg billionaires index.

He is rich for a long time; at the age of 30, he owned a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. People who did not know him thought that he was a drug dealer, he told WSJ.

He is now 48 years old and he says he leads a "fairly simple life", noting that he is single, single and has no children. He likes to spend his free time hiking. In the same vein, he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars buying land (over 45,000 acres so far!) In his home state, North Carolina , for conversation efforts.

Still in the room, Sweeney says his favorite food is Bojangles' Fried Chicken because "it's the perfect balance between tasty food and a time commitment." He also stated that he appreciated the fact that Epic Games is in North Carolina because it is far from the influence of the "Silicon Valley think tank," according to WSJ.

Read the full WSJ report here.

Fortnite hardly existed. Former Epic production manager, Rod Ferugsson, recently announced that he would have canceled Fortnite when he had stayed at Epic.


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