Cuba Gooding Jr. may have to pay rape accuser millions of dollars


Ailing actor Cuba Gooding Jr. could have to pay millions of dollars in damages to a woman who accused him of rape after a Manhattan judge found him liable in his related civil case, which l Oscar-winning actress ignored.

Federal Judge Paul Crotty on Thursday issued a default judgment against the “Pearl Harbor” actor in a lawsuit filed by an unidentified woman who claims Gooding raped her in a New York City hotel room in 2013.

Because Gooding did not participate or defend himself in the lawsuit, which was filed in August 2020, he admitted responsibility, Crotty wrote in his ruling.

Gooding now has until early September to respond to the charge – or Crotty will decide on damages. The woman is asking for $ 6 million.

The woman, who filed the complaint under the pseudonym Jane Doe, said Gooding raped her after meeting him in the VIP section of a Greenwich Village lounge in August 2013, court documents show.

Cuba Gooding Jr. actor appears in court on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 in New York City
Cuba Gooding Jr. appears in court on January 22, 2020 in New York City.
Alec Tabak / The Daily News via AP, Pool

He then invited her back to the Mercer Hotel, where she claims he raped her in a room after putting on music from the band “Mumford & Sons”.

Gooding is also accused of sexual misconduct by three different women from 2018 to 2019, which led to charges against him in New York State court. He has pleaded not guilty in these cases.

With post wires


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