$ 1 billion in foreign currency generates coffee sales


The entry of foreign exchange for coffee exports to the international market amounted to one billion dollars, according to the recent report published by the Honduran Coffee Institute (Ihcafé).

According to the technical director of this institution Wednesday, 7.8 million bags of 46 kilos each were exported, as part of an estimate of the sale of 9.5 million quintals at the end of the cycle , September 30th.

Shipments fell this year from an average of 53 thousand 898 bags. In contrast, the average selling price is $ 122.95, a negative difference of $ 19, given the value of the last crop in the range of $ 142.02 per hundredweight. Europe, with Germany and Belgium in the vanguard, remains the main destination of Honduran coffee, according to the same report from the cafe. The goal for this year is to receive about 1300 million dollars in foreign currency, the coffee year 2018/2019 begins on October 1.

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