124th anniversary of the death of Juventino Rosas


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Yesterday, July 9, 124 years of the death of the composer and Mexican musician, known for his famous waltz "Sobre las olas": Juventino Rosas.

Originally from Otomí, José Juventino Policarpo Rosas Cadenas was born on January 25, 1868 in Santa Cruz de Galeana, today Ciudad Juventino Rosas, Guanajuato. His father was a military musician who taught him to play various instruments, his brother Manuel and his sister Patrocinio.

With information from the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico (SACM), Juventino, along with his father and one of his brothers, moved to Mexico City at a young age to try his luck as musicians.

In 1885, he enrolled at the National Conservatory of Music, where he studied music theory and theory. He had already written "I saw you again", "Seductress", "Dream of flowers" and "Dream". A few months later, he left the institution, while his parents and sister died.

His luck changed on May 5, 1887, when he participated in a festival organized at the National Theater to commemorate the Battle of Puebla. the help of the then President, Porfirio Díaz, and his cabinet. Such was the sensation that provoked the interpretation of Juventino who soon had protectors who opened the door to better opportunities in his musical career.

In 1890 he wrote several songs where he used as lyrics a few verses of the Mexican poet Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera -1895), also waltzed "Carmen" for Mrs. Carmen Romero Rubio, wife of President Porfirio Diaz.

At the age of 26, the composer visited Cuba as a member of a musical group that visited the east of the island and returned at Surgidero de Batabanó, where he entered a clinic for acute myelitis. (inflammation of the spinal cord or degenerative disorder of the spine), which caused his death on July 9, 1894 at a young age.


The story of his life was taken to the cinema in 1950, with the film "Sobre las olas", with the Mexican actor Pedro Infante.

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