18 years after the death of "Pepo", creator of Condorito [Junkies] – 14/07/2018


Chile .- Victim of a stomach cancer, the Chilean cartoonist and cartoonist René Ríos Boettiger, known as "Pepo", died on July 14, 2000 and died. one of his most beloved characters is "Condorito". he had finished a year before his death, half a century of life

'Pepo' was born on December 15, 1911 in Concepción, Chile. His talent for drawing proved it from an early age, since he published his first caricature at the age of seven in the newspaper "El Sur" of his hometown.

The pseudonym "Pepo" comes from Rene's childhood. When he was small, he was so fat that he looked like a barrel, a Pipón; for this reason they called it "Pipa", which name with time derived in Pepo.

His favorite son, Condorito, was born in 1949 as a nationalist act of defense. It was in the 1940s that Walt Disney produced the movie "Greetings Friends", in which he represented Latin American countries with a particular character. While Brazil was personified in "Pepe Carioca" and Mexico, in "Pancho Pistola", a scary little plane called "Pedrito" was created for Chile, unable to cross the Andean mountain range.

He loved nothing that the representation and indignant began to work on the creation of a representative character of Chile. Thus was born Condorito, a rogue and Creole character, who was soon loved by millions of followers.

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