23 years old National Vanguard • Workers


The condition of the collective Vanguardia Nacional was entrusted to the National Institute of Tropical Viandas (Inivit), granted by Central Trabajadores of Cuba to the proposal, in the union of agricultural, forestry and tobacco workers. The Inivit has the merit of being, among the 44 selected centers of this sector in the country to receive the high stimulus, the one who accumulates more years with this category for the effort, the consecration and the growing results, according to Néstor Bárbaro Hernández, general secretary of this union in the nation.

During the ceremony in which Julio Lima Corzo, first party secretary in the province and Idoel Pérez Brito, deputy minister of agriculture, was also present, the center's vanguard workers were awarded; medal Jesús Menéndez Xiomara González Estrada and Pablo Rafael Lago Gato, trade union leaders with a long history. [19659003] Dr. Sergio Rodríguez Morales spoke about the main results of the scientific institution that has accumulated eight national awards in 2017, a stage in which innovation, the generalization of results and the link with producers to contribute to the development of the Cuba's food program and considered that receiving this condition is a stimulus and a commitment to continue to provide better scientific results.

Lázaro Ponce, member of the CLC provincial secretariat at Villa Clara, He emphasized that it is a collective working on which rests the present and the future of our nation, a center that has made of the reality the opportunity to undertake the real path to socialism.

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