5 books of Ernest Hemingway that you MUST read


The name of Ernest Hemingway says more than a thousand words … And precisely today, July 21 is commemorated 119 years of the birth of this ] writer who is a universal reference of the iteration of the twentieth century .

The novelist was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899. His writing career began in a Kansas newspaper. City At the age of 17, he enlisted as a volunteer in an Italian Army ambulance unit during the First World War. He ends up loving the nurse who heals her wounds after an explosion.

He also participated in the Spanish Civil War, alongside those who fought the dictator Francisco Franco in the 1930s. To top it off, he was a correspondent and witnessed the landing of Allied countries in Normandy during the Second World War. World War. At that time, he met Mary Welsh who became his wife until the end of his days.

Ernest Hemingway. (Photo: AP)

While in Paris, Ernest Hemingway rubbed shoulders with characters such as Pablo Picbado and writers Scott Fitzgerald James Joyce or Gertrude Stein group known as "Lost Generation".

On December 10, 1954, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature However, he could not be present at the delivery ceremony. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway committed suicide with a shotgun at his home in Idaho, United States, suffering a depression badociated with the deaths of his friends and the nostalgia for his youth. 19659002] The style of this author was simple: short sentences and writing without unnecessary rhetoric. That is why in De10.mx, we want to remember this author, with five of his most precious jewels:

1. The Old Man and the Sea (1952 )

This is his best-known work internationally. The story tells the story of an old Cuban fisherman who, at the twilight of his life, poor and unlucky, is tired of returning home every day, without fishing, so he undertakes one last and risky journey to catch a fish

Hemingway takes up the clbadic theme of courage in the face of defeat and the personal triumph of loss. This story was written on behalf of Life magazine and confirmed as one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and opened his career at the Nobel Prize, which he received a year later.

The Old Man and the Sea. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

2. Fiesta (1926)

This was Hemingway's first great novel, which consecrated him as one of the best writers of his time. It depicts the anxiety of the generation that emerged after the first world war, better known as the "lost generation".

The text tells the excursion to Pamplona, ​​a group of Americans and English exiles in Paris in the 1920s, where they meet up with nurse Brett Ashley and the journalist unhappy Jake Barnes, who lived an authentic and inaccessible love during the war. Hemingway uses the Parisian atmosphere and descriptions of bullfights in Spain to create the metaphor of an era of moral bankruptcy, impossible loves and lost illusions.

Fiesta. (Photo: Casa del Libro)

3. For whom the bell rings (1940)

This is another of his most popular novels, which takes place in the Spanish Civil War. It's a story of love and death that has become a clbadic of literature.

In the text, a group of militia is preparing to blow a bridge essential for the Republican offensive, a fact that would reduce communications by the road and avoid rebel counter-attack. The expert in charge of the execution of the mission is Robert Jordan. In the Spanish mountains, discover the dangers and camaraderie of war. He also discovers Maria, a girl rescued by milicinos, whom she falls in love with at first sight.

Who's ringing the bell? (Photo: abebooks.com)

4. Farewell to Arms (1929)

It is a story of love between a nurse and an idealistic soldier; Everything happens in Italy from the First World War

One could say that, for the most part, the novel is autobiographical, Ernest Hemingway being a volunteer ambulance driver of the Italian army, injured to the legs and He met a nurse with whom he lived a similar love story. He used his memories to create a crude and realistic war story.

Goodbye to arms. (Photo: Casa del Libro)

5. Paris was a festival (1964)

This book is special, since it was published posthumously, in 1964, and it deals with his memories lived in Paris, with his first wife Hadley Richardson, in which he says they were very poor, but happy.

Here we can read the adventures and misadventures of young Hemingway in a distant continent. This shows us once again, to the lost generation, with all the consequences of "surviving" the First World War. He mentions characters such as Scott Fitzgerald or Gertrude Stein, confirming that they were his main influence at the time of writing. Once, Ernest Hemingway said that "Paris is a party that follows us". In fact, Woody Allen's film, "Midnight in Paris", is based on this book

Paris was a festival . (Photo: Casa del Libro)

After reading these novels by Ernest Hemingway which one do you recommend?

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